Tree Bros- Painting's for Los-fuck

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Evan reluctantly picked up another paintbrush, winching slightly to himself as he added a new stroke. His full concentration was on the painting, reluctantly.

He knew that many people would be paying to see his paintings, but at this point, he didn't care. He didn't want to care.

"How's the painting going?" Connor Murphy asked, rubbing his hands with a wet washcloth.

"Oh! It's uh, it's definitely, you know, it's really coming along!" Evan said, smiling weakly at his longtime crush. "How's, how's yours looking?"

Connor chuckled. "Not nearly as good as yours, trust me. You're like, famous, Ev."

"Seriously? I though you hated painting!"

"I... I do."

"Then why did you-oh. Holy shit, really?"

"Shush!" Evan whisper yelled. "I don't, I don't want him to, to hear you!"

"Let me get this straig-gay, Sorry." Jared ignored Evans glare. "You started painting because you wanted to impress Connor Murphy?" Evan began nodding his head, but Jared wasn't done.

"Just so you guys could fuck, you started doing something you absolutely hate. Wow. See, this wouldn't be happening if you were already smooth like me. I have ladies at every corner, practically begging me to-"

Evan cut off his memory there. "No! I, I'm really not. You're amazing, Connor!"

"Okay, so maybe you like my artwork. But we can agree that it's not as good as yours. You always get full showcases!" Connor took a breath, giving Evan a smirk. "They love you, Evan."

"Oh." Was all Evan could manage to speak.

Connor looked at the time. "Awe shit. Ev, you've gotta get ready dude. Your show starts soon!"

Evan jumped up, looking back at the painting. "I have, I have to put this one on, on showcase."

"Oh yeah?" Connor asked. "That good?"

"Um, well, no, it's just, is meaningful? And I want, um, I need one person to see it, so."

"Gotcha." Connor said, packing his supplies. "Your boyfriend gonna be there?"

"My, my what?" Evan asked, his face turning bright red.

"Your boyfriend? I think his name was... Jared? Yeah, him. Is he coming?"

"Oh! He's not, we're, we aren't, no."

"Awe fuck, you aren't gay? I'm sorry. You're probably like, hella straight right? Sorry man." Connor tried to hide his disappointment, but Evan saw it.

"No! No I'm not straight!" Evan said a little too excited. "I like men! Just... not Jared."

"Oh." Connor perked up, giving Evan a crooked smile. "Well, would you... maybe want to go out for dinner after the show?"

Evan stood in shock. Here he was, standing in front of the man he'd had a crush on for many years, asking him on a date.

"I completely read that wrong, didn't I? Fuck, this is why I hate myself. Sorry Evan, didn't meant I make you uncomfortable."

"No!" Evans voice boomed around the room. "No, no, I would like to go to, to dinner with you! Please!" Evan mumbled something quieter under his breath.

"What?" Connor asked, trying hard to hide his smile.

"I um, I said that, uh, 'finally, I'll be able to stop painting'? Cuz I, uh, hate it so much and I only took it up so we could maybe talk and stuff but is whatever." Evan rushed out.

Connor took a beat before finally replying. "The fuck?"

Tree Bros, Boyf Riends and Kleisen One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now