Tree Bros- Nails

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Evan love Connors fingers.

No wait, that sounds wrong.

Evan loves Connors finger nails.

The way Connor looked biting his nails.

The way Connor looked when his nails danced across Evans skin, leaving scratch marks on his back.

The way Connors hands ran through Evans hair when they were cuddling.

It was all so intoxicating.

"You okay? Connor asked, tucking a strand of hair behind his ears. Evan blinked, snapping him out of his trance. He realized he'd been staring at their intertwined hands for a while, and finally broke free.

"Yeah, I uh, sorry, I just, uh. Yeah."

Connor chuckled, giving Evan a kiss on his cheek. "Something wrong, love?"

"No, nothing's, uh, nothing's wrong." Evan said, smiling. His phone buzzed, and he glanced down at it. "Oh, I uh, I'm sorry Con. Mom wants me home. I'm just gonna, uh." Evan mumbled, pecking Connors lips quickly. He grabbed his backpack from the corner of the room, waving as he opened Connors bedroom door.

"Do you want me to walk you home?" Connor asked.

"No, I'll uh. I'm gonna be fine." Evan mumbled, not wanting to bother Connor. "I'll, I'll see you tomorrow!"

"See ya." Connor watched as Evan walked out, and waited until he heard the front door close until he got out his supplies.

He set the nail polish remover in front of him on his bed, grabbing some cotton balls and moving the trash can closer to him.

Evan stared at his nails, making Connor worry. Maybe Evan didn't like it when he painted his nails. Maybe Evan thought it looked weird, and idiotic. Who even paints their nails anymore? Connors thoughts spiraled as he wiped the black away. For Evan. For Evan.

"Hey Ev." Evan smiled up at his boyfriend, pecking his lips quickly. He pulled Connors hand up so he could hold it, but stopped.

"What uh, where, where's the nail polish?"

"Oh. I took it off." Connor said nonchalantly.

"Oh." Evan said, disappointed lacing his voice.

"What?" Connor asked.

"Oh, no, it's just uh, I liked how your nails looked. But if you don't like it, that's fine! It's not up to me to choose what you do with your body, it's totally, totally you! I'm sorry." Evans words came out fast, but Connor at least heard the important things.

"You... liked my nails painted?" Connor asked in disbelief.

"Yeah? It uh, it makes you look" Evan whispered, his face flushing.

"Oh." Evan winced at Connors lack of words.

"I uh, I should've, I should, oh god, uh." Evan rambled until Connor stopped him.

"Thank you. I'll... I'll paint them later."

"Can I help?" Evan asked. "I've... I've always wanted to paint your nails..." He trailed off.

"Sure. If I can paint yours. My house, tonight. Normal time?"

"Done." Evan smirked before rushing off to class, excited for tonight.

Connor dumped all of the nail polish he counts find on his floor, spreading it out for Evan. "Okay. I pick a color for you, and you pick a color for me. Sound good?"

Evan nodded, already eyeing the color he wanted. He grabbed the light blue one quickly, holding it to his chest for protection. Connor chuckled, and went down the same route as Evan, picking up a black nail polish.

In the end, Evan had nails as beautiful as Connors. He looked dark and mysterious, and he couldn't be more happy.

Connor however, felt weird with his nails painted something other than black. But he wasn't complaining, especially since Evan looked so happy while painting his nails. Sure, Evan had anxiety which caused the paint to go... other places, but Connor was only thinking about Evans smile.

"So, you like it?" Connor asked, a playful smirk on his face.

Evan nodded frantically. "Thank you, thank you. So much."

"It was my pleasure, handsome." Evan blushed as Connor kissed his forehead, smiling into it.


Connor sighed, rolling his eyes as if his sister could see him. "What do you want?" He yelled back.

"What the fuck did you do with my nail polish?"

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