Tree Bros- Cotton Candy & Hunters AU

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Based on Softmushies creations on tumblr

Evan stood by his motorcycle, waiting for his boyfriend. He finally saw the soft pink sweater in the distance, and took a long puff of his cigarette.

Connor skipped up to Evan, kissing him lightly on the cheek before pulling out the cigarette and throwing it to the ground. He fumbled in his pocket for a candy cigarette, and put one in Evans mouth instead. Evan chuckled but didn't protest.

"Your house or mine?" Evan asked, handing Connor his pink helmet.

Connor hummed back, thinking for a second. "My house? Then you can sleep over, and we'll make 3am cotton candy!"

Evan chuckled, sitting on his bike. "Sounds like a plan, sweetheart."

Evan parked his motorcycle in Connors drive way, Connor already bouncing up to his front door.

"Come on Evvy!" Connor call out, smiling wide.

Evan chuckled to himself, running after his boyfriend. He closed the front door behind him, and began looking around for Connor.

Evan could hear Connors soft giggles coming from his bedroom, so Evan carefully opened the door. "Huh. I wonder where Connor is..." Evan trailed off. He looked around the room, and realized Connor was hidden under his covers.

"Well, I guess I'll just, uh, you know, take a nap while I wait." Evan flopped down on the bed, landing perfectly on a squeaky Connor.

"Get off!" Connor mumbled under the sheets.

"Huh. That's weird. I though I heard something." Evan shifted, earning another squeak from Connor.

"No!" Connor mumbled. "I give up!"

Evan sat up, and moved the blankets from Connors face. "Oh, hey Con."

"You jerk." Connor said, smiling wide. He leaned forward, kissing Evan roughly on the lips. Connor tasted Evans spider bite piercings, forgetting how much he liked them. Evan could feel Connor smile into the kiss, smiling as well. Evan moved closer to Connor, wrapping his arms around the pale pink sweater Connor had on.

"You okay?" Connor asked, pulling away.

"Yeah?" Evan asked, confused. "Why wouldn't I be?"

"Well, I mean." Connor mumbled, looking down at his hands. "I just, wanted to check on you? You were kinda being... I don't know. Earlier today, and I just wanted to make sure you were okay, and-"

Evan took Connors hands, stopping his rant. "Thank you, for, uh, caring." Evan blushed, looking away. "Yeah, I'm uh, I'm fine now, just, anxiety man."

"Can I... what can I do to help?" Connor asked, making his voice softer.

"Nothin'. I just want to be here with you."  Connor nodded, and pulled Evan down on the bed with him. Connor laughed, pulling Evan into his chest. He ran his fingers through Evans hair, humming softly as Evan closed his eyes.

Connor smiled when he felt Evan dose off in his arms. He gave Evan a kiss on his forehead, going to sleep himself.

Connor woke up to a soft knocking on his door. He carefully got up, making sure not to wake his sleeping boyfriend. He opened his door and slipped out, smiling at a grinning Zoe.

"Cotton candy?" He asked.

"Cotton candy." She replied. "Blue for Evan?"

"Blue for Evan." Connor smiled, and the two rushed over to the machine.

"Con?" Evan groggily asked, looking at the boy.

"I made you cotton candy!" Connor excitedly whispered. "It's blue, so uh, yeah!"

Evan chuckled, taking the cotton candy and pulling Connor into the bed. Evan pulled Connor onto his lap, and wrapped his arms around Connors waist, still holding his cotton candy. Connor let out a small giggle as Evan placed his head on Connors shoulder, and Evan kissed his neck.

"You tired?" Connor asked. Evan hummed in response, taking a bite of his sugary candy. He leaned back on Connor, humming softly to himself as he fell back asleep.

Connor didn't sleep the rest of the night, but it was the best night he's ever had.

Tree Bros, Boyf Riends and Kleisen One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now