Tree Bros- Teddy Bear pt2

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Sorry loves, I started moving yesterday and didn't sleep the night before WHOOPS


"Jeremy?" Evan called out, fear in his voice.

"Uh, Yeah? It's me, Ev. Who else would it be?" Jeremy asked quietly. "And why is Connor just like, waiting at the door?" He closed Evans bedroom door behind himself. "What's wrong? Like, I know you have anxiety but you're being... uh, weirder? Not weird, it's just, you know, you're. Uh."

"Stressed." Evan mumbled, glancing out his window to make sure no one was there, waving back at him. "Super stressed." He mumbled looking back at Jeremy.

"What's up?" Jeremy asked, sitting on Evans bed. "I can, I can try to help."

"Uh, do you, do you remember Connor?"

"Duh. He's over here all the time, and he goes on smoke breaks with Micha. Why? Did you guys get in a fight?"

Evan nodded his head, shaking his foot slightly. "Yeah, but uh. Probably not like, you know. How'd you think?"

"... you fought online?"

"No! Uh, it's just... he... uh." Evan trailed off, pausing. He glanced at his bedroom door.

"Wha-" Evan covered Jeremy mouth, putting a finger over his lips. He grabbed Jeremy's hand, pulling him behind him as they trailed out of the room. Evan ducked down, so Jeremy followed on his knees.

"Okay. Carefully look out the front door window. Make sure he doesn't see you." Evan whispered.

Jeremy nodded, concerned. He carefully peeked, and turned back quickly when he saw who it was. "Con?"

Evan nodded his head, motioning to his bedroom door. They crawled back, and shut the door behind themselves quietly.

"What's Connor still doing here?"

"I think he's been... spying on me?" Before Jeremy could say anything, Evan cut him off. "I know. It's weird. But! I have proof, so." Evan went to his drawer, pulling out the photos Connor had kept of himself.

He handed them to Jeremy, and Jeremy's eyes widened. "Holy shit, dude."

"He also had a, a knife on his side of the bed."

"Holy shit, dude." Jeremy put the photos on Evans dresser. "I can't, I can't look at these. He did this? Connor? But he was so... so..."

"I know. I, I, I know. So nice and sweet and, and comforting. But uh, now it's like, it's like he wants to... wants to..."

"Don't say it." Jeremy said weakly.

"Murder me?"

"And you said it. That makes it real. Well shit. What are we gonna do? You're the older one. Do we call mom? Or dad?"

"I don't know. I think... I think Connor will stay there until I do something." Evan said. He shook slightly as he said it. "But I don't know, maybe-"

Evans phone rang, and the two instinctively turned towards it.

"Who is it?" Jeremy asked.

Evan let out a sigh of relief. "Dad."

"Hey dad. I need to, to not come home today, Okay? Call the, call the police, Connors at the house, and he's-" Evan paused.

"What?" Jeremy asked.

Evan put the phone away from his ear, putting it on speaker. Heavy breathing filled the room for a minute before stopping abruptly. "Don't worry Evvie. Daddy won't be coming home. Ever again."

The call ended, and Evan and Jeremy fell onto each other.

"Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck." Jeremy picked up his phone, shaking. He dialed 911 and waited.

"Fuck. Holy fuck. There's no signal. Evan there's no signal." Jeremy said frantically.

"What?" Evan checked his phone. "Oh fuck. Fuck." His eyes stared to water, but he quickly wiped them away. "Okay. Okay. This is fine. We can, can can do something."

"What, Evan? What can we do?" Jeremy asked. "Nothing!"

"No, we can do, we can do something." Evan said, seemingly for himself. "A knife! I have a knife!"

Evan picked it up. "I have a knife." He repeated, dreadfully.

"What?" Jeremy asked. "What's, what's wrong?"

"I don't want to stab Connor. I can't, I can't. I didn't, I... I'm still not over him?" Evan finally said reluctantly. "I still love him. He's just... psychotic."

"I'll stab him." Jeremy said after a long pause. "He killed my dad. That son of a bitch won't see it coming."


It had been twenty minutes since Jeremy went to confront Connor, and Evan couldn't take it anymore.

He grabbed his phone, and carefully inched out of his bedroom door.

He turned a corner and stopped. He couldn't hear anything.

Not even Jeremy.

Evans mode raced for a moment, trying to figure out where Jeremy could possibly be.

Deciding that figuring out where Jeremy was was more important that Connor knowing where he was, Evan called Jeremy's phone.

His heart dropped when he heard Jeremy's phone ring from right behind him.

Evan turned around quickly, only to come face to face with Connors chest.

"Whats wrong love?" Connor asked, a sickening smile on his face.

Teddy bear, you were my teddy bear

Everything was so sweet, until you tried to kill me

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