Boyf Riends- Michael pt3

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Parts one and two are in my other one shot book, so go check them out!

Michael sat in comfortable silence with Jeremy, tuning out the TV in front of him.

His thoughts spiraled out of control, from the boy sitting next to him, to the show he knew he was on. He looked over at the star of the show, and kissed his forehead, making Jeremy blush and smile.

"What was that for?" Jeremy asked.

"I just love you." Michael smiled, but luckily Jeremy didn't see the hidden fear in his eyes.

"You've been giving far too much away. You know the consequences of that, correct?"

Michael nodded, giving the man a firm nod. He couldn't let the man see how terrified he was.

"Good." The man took a long exhale of his cigarette, blowing it in Michaels face. Michael kept a straight face, showing no weakness in front of this man.

"What do you think? Jeremy's first 'airplane' trip? He's been wanting to go on one of those for a long time. Maybe we can kill you off at the airport, so he never even gets in the plane!" The man seemed to enjoy making these plans. "Oh, well, we don't have enough time for that. Aren't you supposed to be going to the mall tomorrow?"

Michael reluctantly nodded his head, looking down.

"Good. We'll have a car 'hit' you, and you can die on the way to the hospital."

"Jeremy will be devastated! I'm his best friend, his only friend."

"He'll make new ones." The man took another puff, this time blowing it away from Michael.

"He... he loves me." Michael tried again, fighting back the tears. He couldn't leave Jeremy alone. Jeremy didn't deserve to be alone.

"He'll love someone else next season. Christine maybe. She's a lovely girl, dedicated to the acting role."

Michael shrunk into his seat. "So, tomorrow, I 'die'?"

"Yes. Give Jeremy any suspension though..." The man trailed off, scaring Michael even more.

"Yes sir." Michael mumbled. "Of course."

Michael could hear the alarms blaring in the building behind him, but he had to get to Jeremy. That was his only goal.

He sprinted past dozens of guards, finally making his way to the set. He entered a secret door, hidden behind fake bushes.

He finally crawled under, and looked up at the 'city'. Taking a deep breath, he began to run faster to Jeremy's house.

Jeremy's gonna want to know where I was. Michael thought. I'll tell him... a coma. Yeah, that's perfect. Michael started to smile, but realized that Jeremy would at first think he's a hologram, ever since they planted that 'SQUIP' thing for more drama on the show.

I'll just prove to him that it's me. They can't take me off, either. I'll have already 'contaminated' the show. If they try to take me out, it'll reveal to much to Jeremy. Michael smirked, knowing he had a plan. This will be amazing. Trash the show slowly, and force the show to come to an end.

"I love you so much, Jeremy Heere." Michael kissed Jeremy's neck, leaving small marks. As he went up, he whispered in Jeremy's ear. "And when we get married, I'm taking you far away from here." Michael pretended he didn't say anything, and Jeremy was too flustered to say anything.

Michael put on a show for the cameras, as if taunting them. Telling them, 'look, I'm good. Trust me.'

Never trust Michael Mell. No matter how good he seems. Michael could practically hear the middle age white men talking about him beyond the 'City'. He'd show them. He'd show them all.

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