Kleinsen- The Devil and the- wait

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This is pretty religiousy so just warning


Connor was awoken abruptly by a loud screaming in his right ear. He jumped up, ready to attack anything that came at him.

"Connor, holy fuck!"

"Who the hell said that?" Connor asked, grabbing a pair of scissors.

"Relax buddy." A small, red flying thing appeared in front of Connor, making him jump back. "Is just me. Your friendly neighborhood devil!"

"Fuck. What was in that weed?" Connor asked aloud, falling onto his bed.

"No, like, for real though, Con. I need your help."

Connor raised an eyebrow. "Uh, aren't you a devil? Why would I help you?"

"Okay, okay. Devil is a strong term. I'm the little demon that sits on your shoulder and tells you the 'bad but tempting' option. My names Jared, if that makes it easier." Jared gave a small smirk, his tiny emotions running wild.

"Okay..." Connor trailed off, looking around. "Then where's my little angel?"

"Yeah, that's what I need help with." The small demon took a breath, adjusting his glassing to distract from how upset he was. "Someone, someone kidnapped him. We need to get him back to get balance back in the world!"

"Wait, is this normal?" Connor asked, standing up. "For them to be... kidnapped? I didn't even know you guys were real until know. How can someone kidnap you?"

"Well..." Jared trailed off. "Normally we aren't allowed to show our people our forms. It makes the whole 'religion thing' weird because everything is actually very complicated and very weird, so-" Jared took a breath. "Basically, the only way Evan would have been stolen would be if he trusted the person who took him, or the person..."

"What?" Connor asked. "Is Evan my angel? Who the fuck is naming you guys?"

"Or, the person isn't... human?" Jared sighed, ignoring Connors questions. He got up, flying to Connors desk. He began to walk around, thinking aloud. "Not like, a god or something. I mean, maybe. But probably not. They normally don't care about us till the end."

His tiny head snapped up. "Oh shit. No no no!" He began flying around the room, until he reached a corner of Connors room. He landed on the floor, and knocked on the wall three times. A tiny passage opened up, and Jared ran in, panting. He came out a moment later, with a tiny newspaper.

"I think I know who took Evan."

"Who?" Connor asked, fully developed in this angel and devil drama.

"Okay, so he's like this... computer thing. He, he goes inside of peoples minds and controls him. Headquarters doesn't know much about him, but we know he likes to manipulate people and their life decisions. He... he can somehow block out angels, but I think he'd gone to a new level. A fucking horrible one, if you ask me."

"Why are you... why do you want to get back your angel?" Connor asked. "I mean, you're supposed to be evil, right?"

"I mean, kinda. Yeah."

"So why do you want the 'good'? Doesn't the good one just... push you down?"

"No. He's my other half. He..." Jared trailed off, a living look in his eyes. "He's sweet, and kind, and he helps balance. Most 'goods' don't get along with 'bads' but... he's incredible. Sure, we argue a lot, but it's never about which one of us is more convincing, which is what a lot of other guys think." Jared stopped, thinking. "It's about your decision. But we can't let you pick anything if there's only me."

Jared flew to the window, looking out. "Which is why we need to get Evan back." Jared turned to Connor, giving him a smile. "You in?"

Connor shrugged. "I mean, I don't have anything better to do, so."

"That's my boy!"

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