Tree Bros- LadyChat pt2

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Lil angsty WHOOPS

"Ah, my prince. You're just in time!"

"In time? In time for what?" Ladybug asked, allowing himself to be pulled by Chat Noir. "Where are we going?"

Chat didn't answer, continuing to pull Ladybug until they'd reached his destination. "Ta-da! Look! I made us a picnic!"

"Oh... Chat... it uh, it looks... lovely." Ladybug said hesitantly.

"And its all for you, my prince. Well, kind of us both, since we are eating together." Chat let out a small chuckle, holding out his hand. "Care to join me?"


"What? Don't like pastries?" Chat said, giving ladybug a sly look.

"Chat, please. We're supposed to be... partners. Not lovers. If we started to get into a relationship, what do you think would happen?"

"Uh... we'd be super happy and fight better?"

"No, Chat. We'd get caught up in our own emotions and fight worse."

"Or maybe we'd fight better, and you're just to scared to admit that." Chat fought back.

Ladybug sighed. "Chat, I'm not willing to take that risk."

"You're not willing to take that risk, for me. Specially." Chat said, crossing his arms. "But I know for a fact that you're head over heels for Evan Hansen. Which, you know, kinda sucks. You'll never truly love me, with or without the mask."

"Chat, what are you talking about?"

"Plagg. Claws off."

Ladybug watched in horror as Evan Hansen appeared in front of him, having just told his long time crush how they could never be together.

"See? I can see it in your eyes. You're regretting you're actings. But it's not because you just, you just suddenly loved Chat! No, it's because you like Evan so much! You like him so much, that you couldn't see how badly Chat wanted you, needed you. Could you?"

Evan took Ladybugs silence as his answer. He began to turn away, deciding to make one last remark over his shoulder.

"Oh, and Connor? The red on your suit really suit you. You should wear it more in your civilian life."

And with that, Evan walked away, leaving Connor alone with the picnic he'd ruined.

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