Boyf Bros- Pastel & Punk

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Some people wanted a part two and some people wanted a combo and some wanted some angst so like why not have all of it?

Warning: Violence! Angst! Mentions of an abusive boyfriend! Fun fun fun!

Michael stormed into sewing class, throwing his flower crown in frustration. The classrooms happy chatter quickly silenced, and the crowd of students glanced at the boy who'd walked in.

"What?" Michael snapped, glaring at the pastels in the room.

Connor carefully put down a piece of cloth he's been looking and moved closer to Michael. "What's wrong?" He asked softly, rolling up his baby pink sweater sleeves.

"The punks! The punks are what's fucking wrong!" Michael shouted. "God they think they rule fucking everything!"

"Okay." Connor waved the crowd away, pulling a stool out for the both. "Can you uh, can you like... talk this out? I'm kinda confused about... how this... started." Connor picked up Michaels flower crown and handed back to the angry teen who took it forcefully.

"Why should pastels have to take care of the punks? Why can't the punks take care of themselves like... like we do! We always take care of our kind, why can't they fucking toughen up and take care of their own?"

Michaels rant got the attention of their classmates.

"Yeah," a boy with a thick British accent added. "My boyfriend is always getting into fights, and I'm always the one cleaning up his mess. It's almost like he doesn't care if he gets into a fight, because he knows that me, a pastel, will take care of him because 'it's our job' or whatever."

"Well, what do you propose, huh?" A smaller girl asked. "We can't just like, fight them all and tell them to stop. And I'm sure we've all told our significant others to stop, so that won't work either. What do you even think we could do?"

"I... I don't know Christine." Michael said, putting his head in his hands. "I just... I just don't want them to get hurt anymore."

The classroom was quiet for a moment, until the teacher with her thick Brooklyn accent broke it. "Well... back when I was younger... the punks at my school were more... violent to their uh, pastel." She bit her lip, pushing back a strand of her blond hair. "My boyfriend at the time would... beat me if he lost a fight, and... and that was a common thing at the time. Pastels getting hurt."

She paused as the room erupted into chatter, but it was all silenced with Michaels question. "So what did you do? Did you fight the punks? Call the principal in?"

"No, the principal wasn't helpful. I had to.. well, we had to take matters into our own hands." She smiled at the group before continuing her story. "We had a peaceful protest!"

At the classrooms groans, she shushed everyone. "Now, I know it sounds... dumb. And... and like it won't work. But it did! We all marched together, holding hands and created a big scene. We told the punks what they'd been doing to us, and that we, the pastels who had been hurt, would be be staying with their punk anymore. The uh, the stronger pastels helped people like me break up with our punks... and, and it forced the punks to take a better look at themselves." She twisted her wedding ring on her finger. "And... one of the other pastels that I'd... that I liked for a long time convinced me to break up with Orin. It was the best thing I ever did, because... I uh, I ended up marrying him. The pastel."

She flicked back as the classroom full of students let out gaps. "Pastel and a pastel? That's... that's unheard of!"

"I know. But... he's kind to me. Seymour... he's a sweet little guy, and he's all I could've ever wanted."

Michael stood up with a grin on his face. "Mrs.Krelborn, we will be the best fucking peaceful protesters you've ever seen."

Mrs.Krelborn, known for promoting peace and kindness gave Michael a nod. "Give 'em Hell, my little pastels."

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