Tree Bros- Hard Day?

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Requested by @thetallbandit

Short and sweet fluff

Evan sighed in relief when he heard Connor pick up the phone. "Evan? What's up baby?"

"I just, I uh," Evan sighed. "I just need to uh, hear your voice? Sorry to, sorry to bother you, I'll just-"

"Evan, it's okay. You aren't bothering me." Connor paused. "Hey, when you get home from work, we can relax and watch a movie. How does that sound?"

Evan let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. "Please. Please. Thank, thank you so much."

Connor chuckled. "Don't worry about it. I'll see you at 5!"

Evan dropped his briefcase, taking deep breaths so he didn't break down as soon as he came home.

"Evan?" Connor called out from the kitchen. He stepped out, wiping his hands on his apron. When he saw Evan, he rushed over, holding him close to his chest. "Hey, it's okay. You're here now. It's okay." Connor ran his fingers through the smaller boys hair, kissing his forehead. "Hey, I made dinner, and I put a movie on for us to watch. Is that okay?"

Evan nodded, his eyes shut as he counted his breaths. "Good job Evan. You're doing so well, sweetheart. It's okay, I promise. You're home. Away from there. It's okay."

Evan slowly opened his eyes, wearily smiling at Connor. Connor gave Evan a soft smile back, taking his hand as he led Evan into the kitchen.

"Okay. I just made Mac and cheese because you need comfort food, but if you want something else..."

"No, no, uh, this is. This is good. Thank, thank you."

"Of course, sweetheart." Connor grabbed his plate and a bowl of chocolate covered pretzels, bringing them into the living room.

Evan sat down, and Connor grabbed a soft blanket for them to share as they watched tv. The two are in silence; perfect for Evan.

Once the movie was almost over, Connor could feel Evan start to fall asleep on his shoulder. He looked down in awe at his husband.

Making sure not to wake him, Connor moved away, gently picking up Evan and carrying him to their bedroom, with only a little bit of a struggle.

Connor placed Evan down, tucking him under the covers. Connor turned off the lights, and threw off his shirt. He crawled into bed, snuggling into Evan. Evan wrapped his arm around Connors waist, pulling him close as the two drifted off into a peaceful slumber.

Tree Bros, Boyf Riends and Kleisen One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now