Kleinsen- *Que the X-Files Music*

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Evan glanced over at Jared, fumbling with his hands. He'd tried to speak several times, but the words wouldn't come out of his mouth.

Just tell him. Evan tried to convince himself. It's not that big of a deal. He'll probably just laugh and not take it seriously. It's okay.


"Okay, what's wrong?" Jared asked, almost pouncing on his boyfriend. "You've been like, trying to work yourself up to a conversation and it's kinda sad. But I wanted you to get something out. But seriously. What's up?"

"I'm addicted to watching super natural clips! And documentaries!" Evan let out in one breath. He immediately put his head down, the rest of his words muffled. "And I'm too scared to sleep alone, and I just need to rant to someone about it."

Jared hesitated. "Supernatural? Like, the show?"

"No! Like uh, paranormal stuff. Aliens, monsters, government secrets. That, that kinda thing." Evan looked away, biting his lip.

Jared was about to burst into to laugher, but he saw how distraught his boyfriend was. So he bit his tongue, and asked as nicely as he could, "How can I help?"

Evan perked up; the smile on his face a good enough reward for his almost bleeding tongue. "I uh. Well, I'm not entirely sure, but uh, could you... could you please..." Evan trailed off, his face blushing bright pink. "Never mind."

"Evan." Jared said warningly. "I'm your boyfriend. I'm not good with emotions, but I care about you. What do you need me to do?"

"Can you sleep with me? Not sex! No, I just, uh, just to cuddle, I just. Ugh. I really need to be able to hold someone while I sleep. For uh, extra protection."

"Of course, baby. Anything for you." Jared pulled Evan into his lap, making the blond boy laugh. "Anything else, my beautiful tree prince?"

"Kiss?" Evan asked hesitantly.

"Anything for you."


Jared glanced at Evans sleeping form, and grabbed his phone. He was about to mindlessly scroll through tumbler, but then he remembered what he could be doing.

He grabbed Evans headphones and plugged them in, searching YouTube for the video(s) he wanted.

When he found some, he clicked play, ruining his life for the good.


Evan rubbed his eyes, staring at the hunched figure on his bed. "Jared?" He asked, tapping the boy.

Jared jumped, taking out his earbuds. "Oh hey, baby. So uh, I'm uh, yeah."

Evan narrowed his eyes and grabbed Jared's phone, scrolling through what Jared had been watching. "Oh no."

"So uh," Jared chuckled nervously. "Did you know that the Nazis used alien technology to build a time machine? I didn't."

"I... I have no words for you, Kleinman. No words."

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