Tree Bros- What Time Is It?

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Timer-on-the-wrist soulmate AU where the timer goes off when you look into your soulmates eyes

Evan nervously tapped his watch. The ticking numbers made him stressed.

Sure, he was thrilled to have a soulmate, but what if his soulmate hated him? What if he hated his soulmate? What if his soulmate was a jerk? What if

"Evan." Alana gently nudged Evans shoulder. "Stop."

"Stop? Stop uh, stop what?" Evan asked nervously.

"I can tell you're super stressed about your soulmate. But stop. It's all going to be okay, I promise!" Alana held up her watch next to Evans. "Look, we'll met them at around the same time! Only like, a few seconds later. Isn't that cool!"

"Yeah, yeah, uh, cool." Evan glanced up, and realized Jared was sitting with them. "Uh, anyway, did you here about, about uh, what Richie did with Eddie? It's, it's all over the school." Evan said, trying to drop the topic of soulmates in front of Jared.

"Oh! Shoot, that reminds me!" Alana dug through her backpack, pulling out a piece of paper. "Okay. Hey Evan, I signed you up for something."

"That sounds hella kinky. Care to explain?"

Alana glared at Jared, unfolding the paper and handing it to Evan. "There's some kids here from some school far away, so I signed us up to guide them around the school! One of them, Connor Murphy I think, has depression, and I was like, hey Evan has anxiety, so like, it'll work!"

"Alana, I don't even have mental disorders but like what the fuck kind of logic is that."

Ignoring Jared, Alana stood up. "Come on, Evan! They're probably waiting for us!"


"Ah, Alana. And this must be Evan?" Evan nodded, smiling uneasily. He glanced down at his feet, realizing a shoe was untied. "I'll bring them right in."

Evan bent down to tie his shoe, and heard the door open, he had just tied a loop when he heard Alana's timer go off, along with another timer.

"Look, we'll met them at around the same time! Only like, a few seconds later. Isn't that cool!"

Evan glanced up into the tall boys eyes, smiling gently as their timers went off.

Connor held out a hand to help Evan up. "Hey soulmate."

Tree Bros, Boyf Riends and Kleisen One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now