Kleinsen- Prince and the Pea

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This will be a two parter FYI

"Mom?" Evan asked during the silent dinner. "When will I be able to marry?"

His mothers fork dropped to the floor in shock, filling up the silent room. "What?"

"When will I..." Evan took a deep breath. "Be able to marry? I want to marry. I would love to marry."

His mother picked up her fork. "Well... Evan, you remember what happened with your father. I just... I don't want your future king or queen to be... like that."

"I know mom. But... well. Here, uh, I've been thinking? What if we did like... a test? A test you and Alana make, and it will determine if they are fit enough for me!"

"Huh." Queen Heidi thought for a moment before smiling. "That sounds wonderful, Evan. I'll have tests, and I'll make sure that they are actually royal, and that they care about you, and not just the thrown."

"Thank you mom. Thank you!"


"Ma'am Valentine. Your final question is..." Alana trailed off, holding her scroll. "What was the first name of the knight who fearlessly saved Evan when he was just a tiny baby?"

The smirk that had been on Chloe's face instantly disappeared. "Uh... was it... um, Albert?"

Alana rolled up the scroll, tension filling the room as the silence awaited the answer.

"Incorrect. The correct answer was Marvin. I'm sorry, Chloe Valentine, but you will not be allowed to wed Evan Hansen."Chloe stormed out, angrily flushing.

Evan sighed, putting his head in his hands.

"Evan... I'm sure someone will be good enough. I'm sure... I mean, I personally feel like that question wasn't hard-"

"It wasn't." Evan interrupted. "It wasn't."

"Your majesty!" Sir Heere ran inside, his face flushed from running. "There's someone new here! Someone from far away! They want to... try to win Evans heart."

"Oh!" The queen gasped. "Well, bring her in!" Alana stood next to the queen, ready to give the test to the new opponent.

"Hello!" A loud voice boomed through the castle. "I'm Prince Jared Kleinman. I'm here because my kingdom wants me to marry and I've heard Evan is nice so like, I think it'll work."

"Oh no." Heidi whispered. "Alana, I don't want this one to marry Evan. We need a new test."

"Yes ma'am." Alana whispered back.

"Evan! Hi." Jared walked closer to Evan, who sat up.

"Hi." Evan responded shyly. "I uh... I'm uh, it's, it's nice to met you."

"Nice to finally met you too, sweetheart." Jared added slyly, grabbing Evans hand and placing a soft kiss on it.

"Alright sir Jared Kleinman." Jared turned to the girls voice, bowling his head slightly. "We have rules and regulations here. In order to win Evans heart, you must pass a test."

"A test?" Jared asked. "Okay. So like, what? Math, algebra?"

"Normally its a test about our kingdom if you live here, and if you don't they do other things." Evan said, gaining confidence as he stood next to Jared. "So, yours might have math or uh, or writing or trivial things."

"Exactly Evan. Now, we need time to prepare... Jeremy? Take Sir Kleinman to his room."

"As you wish, your majesty."

Before he could grab Jared, he turned to Evan, placing a kiss on his forehead. "Until we met again, my sweet." He added with a wink.

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