Kleinsen- Meme Boi

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"Can you uh, can you please stop playing Never Gonna Give you Up?"

Jared perked his head up, a smirk on his lips. "Nope! I can't. Sorry love. It helps me study."

As if to prove a point, he turned up the volume and continued working. Evan forced himself to remain calm, and not have another mental breakdown.

"Jared. I will, I will actually punch you in the face, so. Stop."

"Make me." Jared said, not looking up from his paper.

Evan rolled his eyes, knowing that Jared was just doing this for attention. He got up, turning Jared around so they could kiss. He pulled Jared by his shirt, deepening the kiss.

While Jared was busy, Evan carefully turned the music down, trying his best to keep Jared occupied enough.

Eventually, Jared pulled away and Evan believed he'd finally done it.

But Jared turned back to his phone, turning the music back up. "Sorry babe, but I've got a meme aesthetic to keep up. You know how it goes."

"Why, why am I attracted to you. Why?"


"Okay Evan. I have a plan."

"Is it, is it a good plan?" Evan asked. "Because I really really don't want Jared to, to be upset."

Alana paused for a moment. "I have a plan."

Evan sighed. "That's reassuring." He put his head in his hands, taking a deep breath. "I just, he's just, too memey sometimes, you know? Like, like last week, he he made a rap about fork knife, and and he constantly sends me memes when, when I'm stressed, and-"

"I know Ev. But we can get through this." Zoe said comfortingly.

"And trust us, we want this 'meme thing' to end." Connor mumbled.

"Well... stopping won't happen. So maybe we can just... lessen it? Make it less annoying?" Alana asked.

"How?" Evan asked.

"Well..." Alana trailed off. "This is just an idea, but uh, what if we became 'memey' around Jared? Force so much meme onto him that he gets sick of it?"

Silence fell upon the group before Zoe spoke up. "Okay, not gonna lie that sounds super fun. I'm gonna get freaking weird with it."

"Ditto." Connor mumbled, already searching 'memes' on his phone.

"Okay. I'm, I'm down. Let's, let's do this."


Jared's eyes widened as he opened the front door for Evan. He heard the Thomas the Dank Engine playing from Evans phone as soon as he opened the door. "Fuck, not you too."

"What're you talking bout bae?" Evan asked. "Sorry, I can't hear you over my jams."

"Oh no. Please no. Anything but bae." Jared said, his face dropping. "Everyone's been trying to be a meme today and it's so fucking tiring. No one knows how to truly be a meme god."

"Man bae. All these flavors, and you choose to be salty."

"See? You can't even use the memes right! You, just, no."

"What's wrong bae?"

"Please god, make it stop."

"Damn Daniel. Back at it again with the white vans." Evan said, pointing to Jared's shoes. He fixed his clout goggles, a smirk forming on his face as he watched Jared get more and more upset.

"You can't, that's such a cancerous meme, please no. Why, do you, I just, no. No!"

"You're, you're adorable when you, when you're angry."

Jared just growled in response, still upset about the 'cancerous' memes.

"Hey baby... I have a song for you."

Jared looked up, and it looked as if he was pleading for his life to be over. "What Evan. What song."

With a press of Evans phone, the whole room filled with Never Gonna Give You Up.

"Please no." Jared's voice was weak.

"It reminds me of you, bae!"

"I've never wanted death as much as I do now."

"Awe Bae, why you mad?"

"I give up! I forfeit! I don't know what you guys want me to do, but I will literally do anything to make it stop. You don't know how scary it is seeing Connor wear those bright neon windbreakers." Jared shuttered, falling to the floor. "So scary. So scary."

"Will you stop being so fucking memey?" Evan asked.

"Yes. If it makes you stop trying to be memey, then I totally will. Just please. Please stop."

"Make me." Evan said with a smirk on his face.

Jared looked up, and a smirk replaced his frown. He got closer to a blushing Evan, hovering above Evans lips. Evan waited for Jared to lean in closer, but it never happened. When he opened his eyes, he realized that the music had stopped and Jared was at the top of the staircase.

"What? Did you really think I was going to kiss you after that little stunt you did? Well, don't judge a book by its cover."

"Jared Kleinman, I'm so fucking close to punching you in the face get your ass down here."

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