Tree Bros- Dating Violence

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In honor of Teen Dating Violence Awareness month, I've written a chapter showing Evan going through the three cycles of an abusive relationship. I'm sorry that I used Connor, but he is more likely to do this sort of thing than Jared in my opinion.

Warning: Abusive relationship.

Evan pecked Connors lips, smiling into the kiss as Connor gently ran a hand over his back to pull him closer.

"God, could you go be gay somewhere else?"

Connor rolled his eyes at Jared's comment, a smirk on his lips. "Sure, only if you can be gay somewhere else.

Jared crossed his arms as the girls laughed at Connors comment. "Yeah yeah, laugh it up ladies. Awe, you too, Ev? I thought I could trust you." He pretended to be wounded; clutching his chest.

Connor slightly moved closer to Evan. Close enough so Evan noticed, but no one else did. Evan held his breath, hoping Jared would drop the overly flirty topic so they could have a nice lunch.

"You've wounded me, Ev. Save me, nurse Hansen!" The girls laughed at the comment, and Evan started to before Connor gripped his hand tightly; so Evan instantly shut up. He bashfully looked at the ground, his smile wavering.

Strike one.

Finally Jared noticed Evans behavior, along with Connors death grip. "So uh, anyway, did you guys get that one shitty math assignment? Because holy fuck, are the teachers on crack? We didn't even learn this stuff yet!"

Evan silently thanked Jared for changing the topic. He choose his words carefully, trying not to upset the tall boy next to him. "Oh, yeah, yeah. I uh, I think it's, it's so we can, learn from, from experience? Or something shitty like, like that."

Evan looked like he was about to say something else, but he shut up quickly when he felt the death grip again.

Strike two.

"Uh, Yeah... But like, that doesn't even make sense! Like, how the fuck are we supposed to learn if we don't know what we're talking about?"

Evan nodded his head, laughing quietly at Jared's temper. "Yeah, yeah I uh, I agree."

"Hansen, Beck, Murphy, do you guys want to like, meet up so you losers can help me with my homework? Mom will kill me if I fail the test."

"Yeah, of course!" Alana smiled, happy to be invited. "Zoe?"

"Yeah, I'm down. Boys?" The group glanced over at Evan and Connor.

"I'd love to, to help." Evan gave Jared a weak smile as he felt Connors hand tightly grip him again.

Strike three. You're out.

"We'll plan out the times. But uh, Evan, don't you have like, tree club or something?"

Evan weakly nodded, waving goodbye to his friends as Connor pulled him out of the school.

The walked in silence, Evan not saying anything about the death grip on his wrist. If he did, that he'd be on strike four.

Connor pushed Evan into the car, quickly starting it up before Evan had finished putting on his seat belt.

"What the fuck was that?" Connor asked, venom in his words. "Flirting with Kleinman? Cursing? Going somewhere else without telling me?"

Evan whimpered, sinking lower into his seat. "I'm, I'm so, I'm so sorry."

Connor chuckled, but there was nothing happy about it. "You're always fucking sorry. Just do it right the first time, and we wouldn't have this kind of problem." Connor quickly slammed the breaks when they reached Evans house. Evan got out as quickly as he could, grabbing his backpack along the way. He opened the front door, his hands shaking as he fumbled with the key.

He finally got it open, and Connor slammed the door behind them. Connor pinned Evan against the wall, glaring down at him.

Evans cheek burned as Connor slapped him. Evan tried to clutch his cheek, but Connor yanked his hair back so Evan could watch as Connor slapped him again.

Tears ran down Evans face as he sobbed lightly. "I wouldn't be doing this to you if you actually listened the first time. God, sometimes you're such an ignorant slut."

"I'm sorry, Connor, I'm sorry."

Connor reached the front door, not looking behind him. "Tell Jared we aren't coming."

He slammed the door in Evans face, and Evan slid to the ground. He sobbed as he held his legs closer to his chest.

Evans sobs slowly went away, remembering that Connor would come back tomorrow. He'd come back, and bring Evan some chocolate, or roses, and tell him 'I'm so sorry. I love you baby.' And they'd go back to being happy again.

Just like the good days.

Just like the good days, Evan hoped.

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