Tree Bros- Flowers

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Warning: Murder
Requested by @TheRandomRose (they came up with most of it!) disneyintrovert and Bye-again

Evan stood in front of the daughter of the man who was making his mother so miserable. She almost looked, smug. Like she knew what Evan needed to do, but knew Evan wouldn't do it. Evan wouldn't have done it. He almost untied the poor girl and let her go, but his mind reminded him of why he needed her.

"Mom?" Evan heard sobs coming from the kitchen, and he raced there, finding his mom sitting at the table with bills around her.

"Evan!" Heidi quickly gathered herself up, picking up the bills. "I didn't, I didn't hear you come in. How was, how was school, sweetheart?" She asked, clearly trying to keep a calm voice.

"Mom?" Evan asked, his heart breaking as he saw his mothers fears come to life. "It's... it's dad again, isn't it?" He asked.

Heidi reluctantly nodded her head. "I'm sorry, I should be telling you these things. I just, he's so-!" She let out a broken laugh. "God I hate him."

"I'm sorry mom." Evan pulled his mom into a hug, anger flooding his thoughts. "You don't, you didn't, what uh, what did he do? This time?"

Heidi motioned to the stack of bills. "Remember, remember how we agreed that I would keep the house if he helped pay, and he, I would pay for child support?"

Evan nodded his head, not voicing how stupid he thought that plan was.

"He uh, he started sending me the house bills, and, uh, wants me to pay for it." She looked up at Evan. "But, don't worry sweetheart. I'll, I'll figure it out."

"You could, just, uh, force him to pay child support?" Evan asked.

"Well, yes, but child support is cheaper then a house, Evan." Heidi gave a weak smile. "I'm going to, I'm going to go to sleep, then I have a night shift tonight." She rubbed her eyes, looking wearily at Evan. "Will you be okay?"

"Yeah. Yeah, I'll, I'll be fine." Evan nodded his head, giving his mom a weak smile. "Don't, don't worry about me, mom."

That's why Elizabeth Hansen, Evans (technically) half sister, was sitting in chair in front of him.

Evan needed her to complete his plan.

He needed her dead to complete his plan.

"So? What are you waiting for?" The girl asked in a snarky voice. Her hands were tied and her eyes blindfolded. "Are we just gonna stay here? I have a test I need to study for, and Noah is supposed to text me, so..." She dragged out her sentence, her tone sounding bored.

Evans fists clinched. She had no idea who he was, but that didn't matter. All that mattered was that his dad saw the end piece. He grabbed the sharp knife he'd placed out for himself, his hands shaking slightly.

"Finally. Somethings happening." The girl mumbled, a smirk on her face. "So? What do you have to say for yourself? What's the big deal? Why me?" The girl seemed to not care that Evan was about to murder her. "Tell me all the juicy details."

"Your fathers an asshole." Evan growled, his voice going deeper at the sudden anger he felt for the girl and his father. "So you're going to be his... warning."

Elizabeth didn't get to speak before Evan slit her throat. Evan was hypnotized by the liquid poring out. It looked so... beautiful. So pure. Evan loved it.

Evan stared at the girl before running the knife down her leg, watching the deep red pour out of her skin. He smiled wide. Nothing had brought him as much joy as that. He felt like he'd taken a puff of Connors joint, and it made him feel giddy.

Evan looked at the bloody knife in his hand, and smiled wide. "This is... amazing!"

The next day, Evans father received a package, a note, and few lily's and Daisy's. The note read:

Not paying for the Hansen's child support results in the loss of your child.
Not paying for the Hansen's house, results in the loss of your house. And perhaps, everyone in it.

A bloody hand lay limp in the package, coating the inside with its blood.

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