Tree Bros- Oh. OH.

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Requested by @marshmallow_bubbles

Evan fiddled with his hands, biting his lip. His leg bounced up and down rapidly, and his eyes darted around the classroom.

"Hey." Evan looked over at Connor, who'd taken his hand subtly under the table. "You okay?"

"Yeah! Yeah I'm fine. Fine."

"It's okay to not be fine. Class presentations are stressful." Connor whispered quietly.

"Fuck, I'm so stressed." Evan mumbled, moving closer to Connor in his desk. "I'm gonna die."

"You aren't gonna die. It'll be fine." Connor gave Evans hand another squeeze. "I'll be there with you." Connor said, trying to be comforting. He was new to the whole 'relationship' thing, but he was trying.

"Alright, who wants to go first?" Evan moved further into his seat, his head sinking down.

"We would!" Alana said, waving her hand frantically in the air. Evans eyes widened and he shook his head, hoping the teacher or Alana would see.

"Great! Evan, Connor, Jared, come on up."

Evan slowly got up, holding his own hand for some form of comfort. Connor naturally moved to place a comforting hand on him, but drew away incase Evan was afraid of the comments other kids would make.

"Okay, so, our presentation is about the rapid urbanization happening over in-"

"I'm sorry Ms.Beck, but Mr.Murphy, you know my rule about hoodies."

Connor glared at the teacher, but she stood her ground. Reluctantly, Connor unzipped his hoodie, tossing it to his desk. He stood back with the group, his arms crossed in anger.

Evans eyes widened as he took in Connors bare arms.

He hadn't really seen Connor without his signature hoodie, and now that he had... Wow. He's ridiculously hot.


Evan snapped out of his daze, his face hot as he looked at his teacher. "Yes ma'am?" He asked, his voice shaky. He then noticed the classes bursts of giggles, and he cowered down more.

"Please keep your comments about Mr.Murphy to your own time. Thank you."

Evans face turned bright red, and he nodded his head. "Yes ma'am." He whispered, looking down at the ground.

"Don't worry, I'm flattered." Connor chuckled quietly, whispering in Evans ear. "Maybe after school you can come over and I'll show some more skin."

"Okay gay lords, can we please get on with this? I want to be done just as much as you guys."

Tree Bros, Boyf Riends and Kleisen One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now