Kleinsen- Bad Boy AU pt2

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There's gonna be a part three of this FYI

Evan made sure his room was acceptable before going to answer the doorbell. He fixed his baby blue sweater, smiling as he glanced up at Jared.

Jared was leaning against the door, and stumbled a bit as Evan opened the door. He straightened up, giving Evan his classic smirk. "Hey hot stuff. Ready to work?"

"Yeah, uh, yeah. Come in." Evan opened the door, and Jared closed it behind them. Jared followed Evan upstairs to his bedroom, instantly plopping down on the bed. Jared dropped his bag, checking out the room.

"Woah! Dude! You have a 3DS?" Jared asked, excitement lacing his words. "Oh my god, you're so lucky."

"Oh yeah, I've uh, I've had that for like, six years. We can, we can play on it, uh, after if you, if you want?"

Jared smiled wide, placing the 3DS back on the shelf. "Done."

"So," Evan started, sitting next to Jared on the bed. "What uh, what are we gonna do?"

"Well, it's actually a pretty easy project. Like, stupid easy. I think they just wanted us to make friends with people, cuz like... it's easy."

"So..." Evan trailed off in a playful ton. "It's gonna be, it's gonna be hell to, to do? Like, a, a fuck load of work?"

Jared laughed, rolling his eyes. "Exactly, Hansen. You got a computer?"

"Holy fuck, that was, that was, really easy."

"Right?" Jared asked, closing the laptop. "And it only took us-oh shit." Jared glanced at the clock. "I should have been home like, two hours ago."

"Oh, oh god I'm sorry."

"Nah, don't be sorry. My parents aren't home today anyway. I'll just go now." Jared started to put on his leather jacket, but Evan stopped him.

"I uh," Jared turned to Evans voice automatically. "Do you, do you want to just stay over? I have, I have clothes, and my beds big, so um, or I can sleep on the floor, but I just, I just don't want you on the road? It's dark, and I don't want... I don't want-"

"Awe. You don't want me getting hurt, tuts?" Jared asked, his confident mask hiding his heart struck eyes. "That's sweet. I guess I'll stay over. Only because you want me too."

"Sure." Evan smiled wide, a playful look in his eyes. "Sure you, sure you are."

"You know, you're really not, you're not what I thought you would be like." Evan mumbled quietly as they laid in bed together, not touching.

"Oh yeah?" Jared asked, his voice barely above Evans. "What did you think I would be like?"

"I don't know." Evan turned over, facing Jared. "More...punk? Like um, listen to angsty music, and, and maybe um, well, definitely not be into memes and, and be so funny."

"Awe, you think I'm funny, babe?" Jared asked, trying to make sure his tone didn't show how heart stricken he was.

"And, and like that. So, so flirty. I don't know, you just aren't what I was expecting."

"Is that bad?" Jared finally asked after a moment. "That I'm not... how you thought I was?"

"No! No, no I, I like you the way you are. It's... comforting. And you haven't, you haven't made fun of me yet, so that's, that's definitely a plus."

Jared gave a small chuckle, scooting closer to Evan. "I wouldn't do that. I mean, actually, I probably will at one point in time. I'm kinda... bad with emotions."

"Then I'll know you don't mean it." Evan smiled, even though Jared couldn't see it in the dark.

The room filled with silence, both boys drifting off to sleep as their thoughts filled with images of the other boy.

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