Boyf Riends- Squipi-O's

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Yesterday's story was intense sorry guys

High key based off that Victorious episode with the bibble.

"Okay, but like, seriously. If it was between cutting off my legs or like, burning a box of Squipi-O's... I mean, I don't really need my legs."

The group laughed at Jakes joke as he proceed to grab his cereal box.

"What the fuck is everyone talking about?" Jeremy asked, confused. "Like, I've hear about squarpios like, five times today."

"First of all, it's Squipi-O's, so don't disrespect our founding father." Jenna sassed, smirking at Jeremy. "Second-"

"It's this really good cereal! Like, really good." Christine added in, interrupting Jenna. "So uh, the whole school has been like, high off of it. Just like in drama club! It's ridiculous! They're getting dust all over the carpet. I should clean the carpet. Do you think there's a vacuum here?"

"Christine? The Squipi-O's?" Brooke asked, gently reminding her about the topic.

"Oh, right!" Christine dug through her backpack, pulling out a box of Squipi-O's. "Here, Heere! You can have this box. I don't really like sugary cereal anyway. It makes me too distracted."

"Wait, seriously?" Jeremy asked.

"Yeah, thseriousthly? We are talking about the same cthereal, right?" Rich stared bewilderedly at Christine, as if she's just grown another head.

"Let the girl live." Jenna said quickly before a fight broke out. She pulled Jeremy to the side, whispering quietly to himself. "Side note, Michael is kinda, like, against this stuff. Don't show him if you don't want him to take it from you." She patted Jeremy's back, making him flinch. "Good luck out there kiddo!" She said jokingly as Jeremy headed home, thinking about the cereal in his backpack.

"Holy fuck."

Michael glanced around Jeremy's bedroom, the  colorful marshmallow and chocolate chip cereal sprinkled everywhere, with a stack of boxed in the corner. "Who the fuck gave you this stuff? Holy shit. Dude. How many have you eaten?"

"Uh... Yeah? Yeah. Yes."

"Jeremy that's not an answer." Michael signed, running a hand through his hair. "Holy shit what am I gonna do with you?"

"Uh, get me more Squipi-O's?" Jeremy asked, giving Michael puppy dog eyes.

"No, dude. Babe, bro, this stuff like, rots your brain." Michael took Jeremy's hand, holding them in his own. "Can you... cut down on the crappy stuff? Please?"

Jeremy couldn't say no to Michael; his eyes wide with clear worry. "Yeah. Yeah, I can, I can cut down. I can."

"Okay. Thank you." Michael kissed Jeremy's forehead, smiling down at him. "Wanna go play AOTD?"

Jeremy smiled wide, ignoring the shaking he was getting from not getting his cereal. "Yeah!"

He didn't bother to tell Michael about the hidden boxes in his house. He'd flip.

"Anyone seen Jeremy?" Michael asked, walking up to his friends.

"Don't you have like, a tracker on each other?" Chloe joked, rolling her eyes.

"Nah, we haven't seen..." Jake trailed off, glancing at the front doors of the school. The group turned around, and Michael instantly groaned.

Jeremy rolled up in a wheelbarrow full of Squipi-O's, smiling crazily.

"What up bitches?"

"Is that...?" Christine asked, laugher bunking in her words.

"Yes. Yes it is."

"Can I have a piece?" Jenna asked asked, getting closer to Jeremy.

"If you want to lose all of your limbs, Sure." Jenna instantly backed up.

"This Squipi-O's is mine, and I will murder anyone who takes it from me. I won't hesitate, bitch."

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