Clana- I'm Bad At Puns

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Super short and fluffy, sorry my homeslices!

Also, guess who's getting a children's book published this summer? It's yah girl

"Oh, hi Alana dear."

Alana smiled wide. "Hi Mrs. Murphy! Is Connor home? He missed 7th period so I brought what the teacher gave us, and Connor hasn't been texting me back..."

"Oh yes sweetheart, he's right in his room." Cynthia closed the door behind Alana gently. "But um, Alana?"

"Yes, Mrs. Murphy?" Alana asked, turning back towards Connors mother.

"Connor... well he... well, he has something to show you. He's a little... nervous about your reaction."

"Oh," Alana said softly. She perked up, putting on a pour face. "Well I'm sure that I'll love whatever he has to show me."

Alana marched up the stairs, feeling confident until she reached Connors door.

What was the surprise? Would she actually like it?

"Connor?" Alana called, knocking on Connors door gently. "Are you okay, baby? Your mom let me in, and said you had something to show me, but I don't know what it is, but I'm here for you."

She's stepped back as the door opened, revealing a worn out looking Connor. He had a look of fear in his eyes, but he tried not to show it. He pulled his hoodie over his face more, and moved so Alana could come into his bedroom.

"Thank you." Alana stood on her tiptoes and gave Connor a soft peck on his lips. "I uh, I brought you your homework! And classwork." Alana said, trying to ease the tension in the room.

When Connor didn't speak again, Alana busied herself. "Well, we can just maybe get started on this part, but honestly it's super easy and I can just-"



"Look up."

Alana glanced up, and covered her mouth in shock at what she saw.

Standing before her was Connor Murphy, but his familiar jet black hair was replaced with a dark blue. Alana studied it, not making any sound.

"I'm sorry."

That made Alana confused. "Sorry? For what?"

"I uh..." Connor fiddled with his hoodie string, not looking at Alana. "That I changed my hair without like... telling you? Isn't that a... like, a shitty thing to do?"

"Oh! No. No it isn't. I don't care what you do to your hair. It's still you!" Alana stood up, coming closer to Connor. "And besides... I like the blue. It brings out your smile."

Connor chuckled, trying to hold back a grin but failing. "You're such a dork."

"Yeah," Alana said, fiddling with Connors hair. "But... I'm your dork. Nerd."

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