Boyf Reinds- Baker AU pt3

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Michael cleaned in silence, not even bothering to put music on as he cleaned.

He wiped down another table, not looking at his reflection in the shine. Once he was done, he went to the kitchen, washing his hand and throwing the towel into the hamper. He let out a long sigh, he thoughts floating back to Jeremy again.

Was he okay? Did he get in trouble because of him? Is he hurt? Is he angry?

"Michael, I can practically hear your thoughts from over here." Lola came out of the back room, wiping her flour covered hands on her apron. "And Jesus, I can read your face."

Lola sighed, glancing at the front door. "We have about an hour and a half till we open. What do you think you can do in that time?"

"What?" Michael questioned.

"I said. What can you do in that time?" Lola asked as if that cleared up everything. "A date? Maybe you can go biking somewhere with a picnic basket. That'd be cute. Your Lolo did that for me a long time ago."

"Lola?" Michael asked, studying her face to see if she was lying. She wasn't.

"Well? Hurry up. I can distract Mr.Heere and maybe, I said maybe convince him to let you to try to be together. Okay?"

Michael nodded his head, running to the back to grab a basket and running back to the front to grab some food.

"Oh, and Michael?"

"Yeah Lola?" Michael asked, the door open as he tried to walk out.

Lola smiled wide. "If you die, I'm taking your bedroom."

Michael rolled his eyes, his smile wide. "Thanks Lola." Michael raced out the front door, running to the left to seem like he was doing a delivery. Jeremy stealthily watched, and noticed that Michael wasn't actually going to run a delivery. He watched as Michael inched closer to their back door, and he rushed back there before his dad saw.

Jeremy quickly opened and closed the door behind him. He leaned on it, hoping to stop his dad if he tried to come out. "Micha? What are you, uh, doing here? Not that I'm mad! I just, you know... we aren't supposed to be... together."

"Fuck that shit. Wanna go on a date? Like, right now?"

"You, you want to go on a date? With me?" Jeremy asked, genuinely confused. "Even after... that? Won't your Lola get mad?"

"My Lola is chill about it. She's the one who's distracting your dad while we run away for a little while. What do you say?" Michael held out his hand, allowing Jeremy to choose.

There was a hesitation from Jeremy.

Should I stay or should I go?

Jeremy smirked, grabbing Michaels hand.

Michael smiled wide, pulling Jeremy down the street and his bakery. "Michael, won't my dad see us?"

"Don't worry, there's a back entrance, and we are gonna eat on the roof. No one can see us up there." Michael pulled Jeremy closer to him, and pulled down the ladder to go up. He slung the basket over his shoulder, pulling himself up with Jeremy right behind him.

The finally made it, and Jeremy finally felt free.


"Right?" Michael asked, setting out the food.

"Okay, so it's a bunch of things from my bakery, so uh, if you don't want to eat that because of 'rivalry' or whatever..."

"No, dude, I've always wanted to eat your food. My dad just..." Jeremy trialed off, shutting himself off with food. "Oh my god. Oh my god."

"Good?" Michael asked, letting out a laugh.

Time flew quickly, and soon enough it was time to bring Jeremy back home. Michael helped him down, and crossed the street through the front doors. He glanced around the cafe he'd never been allowed in, smiling when he saw his Lola and Jeremy's father talking together, calmly.

"Micha." Lola stood up, pulling Michael into a hug. As she pulled him to her chest, she whispered in his ear. "It worked. You can be together."

Michael pulled apart, smiling widely at his Lola. He turned to Jeremy, and pulled him closer by his collar. The boys leaned in, pressing their lips together for another round of fireworks. Jeremy pulled at Michaels hips, holding him tightly as in he was afraid he'd lose him. When Michael broke away, he put his forehead against Jeremy's. "We can be together." He whispered.

"Thank fuck." Jeremy whispered back, laughing quietly to himself as his grip on Michael softened.

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