Boyfs- Not Clickbait: I met Micha?

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AU where Michael is a famous movie star, and Jeremy is a die-hard fan.

"Dad. Are you messing with me?" Jeremy asked, glaring at the ticket in his fathers hand. "Because if you are, then I'm about to become an orphan."

"No, no this is real. You do like Michael, right? That's the famous one?"

"Yes dad." Then Jeremy paused, a wide grin escaping his lips. "So... ticket?" His dad handed him the ticket, and Jeremy broke down into tears when he held it.

"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god. Oh my god." Jeremy repeated over and over again, smiling widely through his tears. "I'm gonna fucking die happy. Oh my god."

"Glad you like it, sport." Mr.Heere awkwardly walked away, unable to deal with an emotional son.

Jeremy quickly stood up, grabbing his phone. Through tears, he quickly dialed Christine's number.

"Hello?" Christine stopped when she heard Jeremy's sobs. "Oh gosh, what's wrong? What happened? Who do I need to punch-"

"Christine!" Jeremy finally cut Christine off. "I, I did, my dad, he got, he got me a ticket-"

"Holy shoot. Are you joking? Oh my gosh, yes. Yes!" Jeremy could hear her jumping up and down on the other end. "Holy fudge, Jeremy, this is amazing! Now you can finally ask if my ship, Rich X Michael, is real-"

"It's not-"

"You don't know until you ask!" Christine said, her voice loud over the phone. "Oh my gosh! You'll have to take pictures. And video. Video it all."

Jeremy chuckled, his hand shakily hovering over the end call button. "I will. I promise. Bye Christine!"

"Bye loser!"

Jeremy wrapped his arms around his waist, following the other VIPs. He's shaking didn't stop as Michael Mell walked out onstage to greet everyone. "Hey guys! It's nice to have a smaller crowd, don't you think?"

The group made some noises of agreement, allowing Michael to continue. "How'd you guys like the show?" The group cheered, and Michael smiled wide.

"It's still super weird to like, have people like, pay money to see me. It's a weird thing." Michael shook his head, and Jeremy almost died at how hot he was up close. "But uh, yeah. So I'm assuming you guys want to hear about the 'secrets' behind 'Them'?"

A few girls screamed, and Jeremy held back a scream as well.

Michael chuckled. "Okay, to clear this up, since everyone ships me and Rich," The group leaned in, expecting to hear him confess. "We aren't a thing." The group leaned back, a few with sad faces. "Yeah, Rich is with Jake."

The room erupted into more screams as phone recorded the phone event. Jeremy snuggly made a mental note to tell Christine later.

"But yeah. I'm like, hella single." A few girls perked up, and Michael instantly blushed. "Oh, and uh, I know, please don't attack me, but I'm very very gay."

The girls started giggling, instantly fan girling. They were too busy talking to notice Michael make eye contact with Jeremy. He glanced up and down his body, winking when he reached Jeremy's eyes. "See me after." Michael mouthed before turning to a small girl who asked another question about the movie Michael was in.

Jeremy was shaking by the time the VIP group was told to leave. He lingered behind, taking his time to be the last one to leave.

"Wait!" Jeremy turned around, face to face with Michael. "Ah, Sorry." Michael took a step back, blushing lightly. "So, uh hi. What's your name?"

Jeremy tried to steady his voice. "Jeremy. Jeremy Heere."

"Well, hi Jeremy." Michael smirked. "I uh, saw you, and you looked like a pretty chill guy. So I wanted to talk to you! Unless you don't want to talk to me. Sorry. You can go if you want." Michael motioned to the door, a weak smile on his lips.

"No! No, I uh, I want to stay. I just, sorry, I'm a little shocked."

"You're a little shook?" Michael stopped himself. "No, sorry, dead meme."

"Dude, it's all good. I love dead memes."

Michael studied Jeremy's face for a moment before asking. "R.I.P. vine compilations?"

"Uh, duh. Those are the only things I watch!"

"Oh my god." Michael chuckled, glancing back at the two security guards waiting for him. "I probably have to head back soon, but would you maybe want to... come to dinner with me? Or something?"

"Like... a date?" Jeremy asked, smirking. Michael had such a calming vide around him, that Jeremy felt... safe. Protected.

"I mean... I'm down." Michael winked, taking Jeremy's hand. "Come on, there's this awesome burger place that we passed by, and I would honestly die for a burger."

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