Clana-Pride Parade

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Featuring Trans! Con who doesn't like to talk about being trans and Straight! Alana who loves her boyfriend and wants to support him at pride.

FYI I haven't been to an actual pride before, so stick with me please

"Con, are you absolutely, positivity sure you wanna go to pride? You don't have to, and don't take this as an 'I don't want to go to pride'. I want to go to pride! But I won't go if you don't feel comfortable with going."

"No, no I want to go." Connor promised. "Can you just... I don't know. Not make a big deal out of it? Like, just... don't like, go around saying I'm trans. That's all."

"Of course love." Alana took Connors hands, holing them close. "I won't, I promise. I'll do whatever you want me to do. But just so you know, I'm buying myself a huge gag flag and a huge trans flag."

Connor rolled his eyes, fighting back the smile on his face. "Okay, whatever. Sure. Do what you want. I'm not in charge of you."

At those small words, Alana smiled wide. She grabbed Connors face and pulled him close, giggling as she held his face in her hands. "I love you, my handsome and smoking hot boyfriend."

Connor smiled, and a pure happiness filled him. "And I love you, my sweet, pure, and beautiful girlfriend."


"Holy mollie. This is so..." Alana trailed off, her eyes darting around the rainbow filled crowd.

"Gay?" Connor asked, finishing her sentence for her. She laughed and nodded her head. "Oh look! Wow wow. This is so cool! I've always wanted to go to a pride!"

"Hey heteros! This is our turf! You don't belong here." A drunk older man wondered over to the couple, and Alana instinctively grabbed Connors hand.

"We don't accept Heters around here. Get lost, this is a Gays only event."

"How do you know I'm not bi? How do you know you're not misgendering one of us? How do you know we don't have gay family?" Alana asked the man. "We came here to support. So what if we look straight? Is straight the default?" Alana questions, getting so close to the man that she could smell his breath. "Leave me and my boyfriend alone, sir. We came here to have fun, just like you. We don't want trouble, we just want to support."

He snarled at Alana, mumbling something about how the straights were taking over his turf again, but Alana was too pissed to care.

"Gosh, what a punk. Con, you okay?" Alana had turned back to Connor, and he had his hoodie over his face. "Con?"

"You... you... you stood up for me. For us."

"Of course I did, Con. He was rude, and you don't deserve anything like that. Especially not today."


"Yes baby?"

Connor smiled wide, taking his hoodie off. "He called us straight. He knew I was a guy."

Alana gave Connor a soft grin, holding him close. "Well you are! And you do look like one. You are a very handsome man. My very handsome man."

While Connor blushed bright red, Alana dragged him to the flag stand. "Now come on, I wanna get flags!"

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