Tree Bros- Beautiful, Baby.

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Warning: Evan is a little self conscious

"God, you're so fucking beautiful, Evan. What did I do to deserve you?"

Connors words floated around in his head.

Evan pushed a strand of his hair back, looking back in the mirror. His eyes danced around his body, wondering what Connor saw in him.

It's not the Evan thought of himself as ugly, he just didn't think he was beautiful.

It was such a strong word, something that Evan felt like he didn't deserve.

Connor on the other hand... Connor was beautiful. If he wasn't so anti-people, Evan was convinced he'd be popular.

Evan didn't have anything going for him, he realized as he studied himself more. Connor was weirdly smart, Connor was caring even if he didn't always show it, Connor could draw and write and make Evan feel like he was worth something.

What did Evan have?

"Ev? What are you doing, baby?" Connor neared Evan, walking slowly so he wouldn't scare him. "What's wrong?" He asked softly when he saw the tears in Evans eyes.

"What? Oh, uh, nothing. I just, uh, nothing." Evan paused, taking a breath. "So, uh, how was, how was the most beautiful boy in world's day?" Evan asked, proud of himself for getting the last sentence out without hesitation.

Connor smiled softly at Evan, lifting him up to hover above his lips. "I don't know. How was your day?"

Evans face flushed dark red, and he buried his face into Connors chest. Connor let out a chuckle, picking Evan up gently to carry him to the bed. He sat down, pulling Evan on top of him as he leaned against Evans wall.

Connor gently stroke Evans hair, humming a soft tune under his breath. He didn't want to push Evan and stress him out more than he already was, so he waited until Evan was ready to talk.

"Why do you, never mind. Never mind."

That made Connor sit up. "Evan, what's eating you, babe?"

Evan shook his head, not looking at Connor as he did.

"Fine. It's okay if you don't want to talk, sweetheart. But just so you know..." Connor trailed off, a smile in his words. "If you were going to ask why I love you, I have an answer."

He paused, staying silent until Evan shifted a bit to show him that he was listening.

"Well, lets just start with you. You're so fucking beautiful. Don't roll your eyes at me. You are. Anytime I see you, I can't help but smile. It doesn't matter if my day has been shit, you can always make me feel... better. You don't get mad when I'm in a mood, you don't yell at me, you... you care about me and everyone you love. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me, Evan."

Evan mumbled something into Connors shirt, and Connor could feel hot tears on his chest, along with a smile from Evan. He pulled Evan closer, content in the quiet as Evan thought about Connors words.

Connor eventually felt Evan get heavier in his arms as he fell asleep in Connors arms. Connor hummed in content, running his hands through Evans hair as he kissed his boyfriends forehead.

"I love you, Evan Hansen, because you make me feel... you make me feel like I'm worth something." Connor whispered, looking softly at Evans sleeping body.

"Thank you for finding me, Evan."

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