Kleinsen- Comin' out of our Shells

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"Okay, Connor, how can you be gay? Have you seen women lately? Holy fuck they are hot."

The table laughed as Connor flicked him off.

"I'm just saying, Murphy." Jared threw his hands in the air in a mock surrender. "Maybe you should try one next time. You know, I've got plenty at home who would be more than willing to-"

"Beep Beep, Jared." Zoe covered his mouth in attempt to hide her laughter, but failed. Jared flicked Evan and Zoe off, mumbling to himself about being beeped.

"Well, I mean, I get where you come from, Jared. Girls are incredibly, uh, attractive." Alana adjusted her glasses, glancing over at Zoe who nodded in agreement.

"True. But I mean, guys aren't bad either."

"Mmmm, but aren't guys like, you know, dicks? How do you like them?"

"Jared. You're a guy."

"Doesn't stop my point." Evan snickered at Jared's response.

"Uh, well guys are protective! You know?" Zoe started. "So like, if I like a dude, he's protective of me and that's pretty nice. With girls, even as a girl, you've gotta protect them."

"We don't need protection." Alana mumbled under her breath.

"No, no, I'm just saying like, safety in numbers."

"See? Guys are such assholes. We make you afraid of us!" Jared exclaimed. "God it sucks being gay."

Jared didn't realize what he said as he took a bite of his sandwich. When no one started talking, he looked up realizing everyone was watching him.

"What guys?" Jared chuckled nervously. "Do I have like, mustard on my face?"

"You're gay?" Alana asked. "You?"

"Oh my god." Connor mumbled under his breath as Zoe hit him under the table.

Jared's eyes widened. "I, uh, no! No, I'm hella straight. Boobs, am I right?"

"Jared, it's okay to be gay." Evan whispered quietly, gently touching Jared's shoulder. Jared jumped back like Evans hand was made of fire, his face turning bright red.

"I have to, I have to, go, now." Jared awkwardly got up, rushing out of the cafeteria.

The group gave each other a look before handing Evan Jared's backpack. "Wh-me? Why me?"

"He likes you, and he just came out to you." Alana stated, packing up Jared's lunch and handing it to Evan.

"What, what if I don't like him like that?" Evan asked defensively. "I'm, I'm straight!"

"I saw you checking out his ass as he was walking away." Connor smirked as Evans faces turned bright red. "Go get them tiger." Connor smirked as Evan rushed off after Jared.

"Jared?" Evan called out as he walked into the bathroom. He dropped the backpacks once he saw him.

"Hey Hansen! How's it going?" Jared leaned on the bathroom sink, pretending that everything was fine. "What's up?"

"Jared, quit the act." Jared's face dropped for a second before he quickly fixed it. "What act?"

"This!" Evan gestured to Jared's body. "I, u hate seeing you like this. You cover up your emotions, and, and I just want to help you!"

"Maybe I don't want help!" Jared angrily whispered. "Ever thought about that?"

"Don't worry, I have. And you don't right now. You're, you're fighting back, which means you're getting defensive. When you, when you get quiet, it's because you honestly want to be left alone." Evan stopped studying Jared. "You want me here."

Jared tried to keep eye contact, but he broke quickly as he angrily wiped a tear away. "Whatever."

Evan instantly pulled Jared into a hug, letting him feel protected. Jared melted, letting out the sobs he'd been trying to hold back. Evan rubbed Jared's back, holding him tight. "It's okay. I promise it is."

After a few minutes, Jared's sobs turned into hiccups, and Evan pulled back, gently cupping Jared's face. "I uh, I like you a lot, Okay? I promise I do."

Jared rolled his eyes, looking to the mirror. Evan turned him to gave him again, pulling him in gently by the collar. Evan hovered over Jared's lips, until Jared pushed forward, connecting the two for a firework show.

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