Boyf Riends- Dolls

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Tw: if you are deathly afraid of dolls (like me) don't read this!

If you're wondering why I wrote this even though I'm terrified of dolls, it's because I like to torture myself. Thanks.

Jeremy didn't move his eyes. He watched as the porcelain dolls glass eyes glazed over him, and he didn't look away.

"Dude, babe, bro. The fuck. You've been staring at this doll for like, hours. Come on, let's play a video game or something." Michael said, trying not to let his worry creep into his voice.

"I can't."

Michael sighed. "Why not?"

"It'll... it'll kill me." Jeremy said, his voice almost breaking with fear.

"Babe. Jeremy. My love." Michael pulled Jeremy into a hug, but Jeremy didn't break eye contact with the doll. "It's not gonna hurt you. It's just a doll!"

Jeremy shook his head, forcing himself away from Michaels grip. "No, no I can't, I can't go away."

"Okay..." Michael stood up, heading upstairs. "Do you uh, want something to drink? Or eat?"

"Uh, maybe just like a coke? Thanks."

Michael walked upstairs, thankful to see Mr.Heere in the kitchen. "Dude, I uh, what the heck is wrong with your son?"

"I... I beg your pardon?"

Michael resisted the urge to say then beg, and instead tried his best to tell Mr.Heere what the problem was. "Jeremy is like... obsessed with that doll that his mom sent over. Like, in a bad way. He just keeps... staring at it. And, and saying that it'll like... kill him."

"Oh. Yeah, that makes sense. The doll is cursed."

"What? And you, and you just now," Michael ran a hand through his hair. "I left Jeremy alone with a cursed doll?"

"Oh, did you? Meh, he'll probably be fine. Do you happen to know any like, anti-summoning spells? You should probably learn some."

Michael shook his head, willing his feet to go back to the basement. He saw Jeremy in the same spot he had been, and he let out a sigh of relief.

"You didn't bring back any snacks or drinks."

Michael noticed that Jeremy's voice was deeper, and less shaky. Stepping further down the stairs, he realized that Jeremy was staring at an empty chair. Jeremy slowly turned his head towards Michael, his eyes dark. "I wanted a coke, Michael."

Michael watched in horror as Jeremy's mouth broke out into a unnaturally wide grin. Jeremy's body turned towards the terrified boy, and only then did he notice the doll that Jeremy held. "Michael... maybe you shouldn't have left me alone."

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