Kleinsen- Spoilers!

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Request by @JustAnAngstyFangirl

Warning: this is a short meme chapter

"Evan! Baby! Have you seen this new video?" Jared asked, waving his phone frantically. "It's like, all over the school. I can now sing the song perfectly, not to brag or anything. But like, I'm a god, so."

"What video?" Evan asked, trying to steady Jared's hand.

"Look, look, look." Jared pushed the video into Evans face.

Evan steadily held the phone, but when his eyes adjusted, his heart dropped. "Where, where did you get this?"

"Dude, it's all over the internet! That shit went viral!"

"Fuck." Evan whispered, quiet enough that Jared didn't hear. "Do other people know about this? Like, like at our school?"

"Well duh. Hold on, watch." Jared pulled Evan behind him, walking over to Zoe. "Hey, there, Zoe-boe!"

"Don't call me that, Kleinman."

"So, you know about the yodeling teen, right? The one in Walmart that like, you can't see his face too well, just the back of his head?"

"Yeah, duh." Jared turned quickly to Evan.

"See? Told you. Everyone knows it!"

Evan slowly shrank back and walked away, unnoticed as they continued to talk about the 'mystery teen'.



Evans bedroom door opened slightly, and Jared walked in. He placed some flowers and a box of chocolate on Evans table, making sure to be quiet. "Baby? Are you okay?"

Evan mumbled something into his pillow, his back turned away from Jared.

"Look, I don't know what I did, but uh, I'm sorry. I brought you uh, chocolates? And, and your favorite flowers? So..." Jared trailed off, his face a bright pink.

"No, you didn't, you didn't do anything wrong." Evan sat up, curling his knees to his chest. "It's just... that video."

"What about it?" Jared asked, carefully adjusting himself so that if Evan needed anything, he'd be ready.

"Well... I just. It-! Ugh." Evan put his face in his hands for a moment, before looking back up. "Promise you won't laugh?"

"Of course , baby." Jared said, concerned. "What's wrong?"

"I'm the guy in the video!" Evan said quickly, rushing through his words. "I've been doing yodeling for years, and and mom wasn't supposed to post that video but thankfully she didn't get my face, and, and I just, I'm viral!"

Jared didn't open his mouth for a few moments. He stared off into the corner of Evans bedroom, thinking.

"Jared?" Evan asked. "I'm sorry."

Jared turned back to Evan, a wide grin on his face. "Dude, you can make so much money right now. You're famous! Now come on, we've got money to make!"

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