Boyfs- The Baker AU no one asked for

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"God I hate them." Michael glanced up from his homework to find his grandma staring at the bakery across the street. He looked across, smiling softly as he made eye contact with the sweet Jewish boy who was sweeping.

Michael waved to him, making sure his mom didn't see. He chuckled to himself as the boy perked up, waving excitedly to him. In his excitement, he managed to trip over the broom his was holding, falling forward. He stood up quickly and brushed himself off, his face flushing as he watched the other boy laugh.

"Michael! What did I say about that boy?" Michael was yanked back by his hood, and he watched as Jeremy was pulled away from the window as well.

"Stay away from him, Michael. He isn't good enough for us." She walked over to the back room, coming back with an apron. She threw it at Michael, who caught it gracefully.

"Get to work, Micha. We need two hundred cupcakes for the Krelborn's family." Michael slugged off, but his lola pulled him closer to her chest.

"Lola." Michael pleaded with a smile on his face. Michaels lola smiled down, kissing Michaels forehead.

"I love you. Okay?" Michael nodded his head. "Good. Now get to work."

"Jeremy. What did I tell you about them?" Jeremy looked down at the ground as Mr. Heere lectured him. "Answer me, son."

"Not to, not to talk to them. They could, they could find out our recipes and steal them. Never, uh, never trust a Mell."

"Good job kid." Mr. Heere fluffed Jeremy's hair, shoving an apron onto his chest. "Now go on, you've done enough sweeping. There's an order form on the counter."

Jeremy smiled wide, tugging on the apron as he ran to the kitchen.

He looked around excitedly until he found the order form his dad had written for him.

Krelborn family- Two hundred Blonde Brownies.

Jeremy smiled as he cracked his knuckles. This is gonna be easy.

Jeremy stood in front of the Krelborn mansion, and took a deep breath. This was his first time being able to deliver, but he had no clue what he was supposed to do. Ringing the doorbell was definitely a start.

Jeremy placed his boxes down, ringing the doorbell. He quickly picked them back up again, hearing footsteps. He was welcomed by Mr. Krelborn. "Hey! You must be mini Heere?"

Jeremy nodded his head, holding the boxes steady. "Yes sir. Where would you like these to go?"

"Oh, just outside. Come on, you can follow me." Mr.Krelborn held the door open for Jeremy, and Jeremy stepped inside.

The mansion was a lot bigger than it looked. Jeremy tried to sneak peaks around, but noticed one big thing.

"You guys must really like plants. Cuz, you uh, have so many!"

Mr.Krelborn chuckled to himself. "You could, you could say that." He adjusted his glasses, then raced to the back door, he opened it wide for the boy, and Jeremy gratefully stepped outside. Mr.Krelborn led him to a table with other treats, helping him set up.

"Now, where's my wife?" Mr.Krelborn mumbled to himself. He looked around, until he found her. "Honey! Stop tormenting that poor boy."

That caught Jeremy's attention. He glanced up, and sure enough, Michael stood next to Mrs.Krelborn.

"I'm not!" She pleaded, her blonde hair shaking as she shook her head. "Michael asked about one of the plants, I couldn't help but brag about it!"

"It's fine, Mr.Krelborn. I like this kinda stuff." Michael smiled, not noticing Jeremy yet.

Mr.Krelborn chuckled to himself, before turning back to Jeremy. "Well, thank you. And you too, Michael."

Michaels eyes widened as he finally noticed Jeremy. His face flushed, and Mrs.Krelborn didn't fail to notice.

"You like him, don't you?" Michael almost fought back, but realized she was right. "Yeah, yeah I do. Mrs.Krelborn, do you mind if I...?" Michael trailed off, pointing to Jeremy.

"Of course not. Go have fun! And don't call me Mrs.Krelborn, Michael." She jokingly rolled her eyes. "It makes me sound old."

"Right, right. Sorry, Mrs.Audrey." Michael raced over to Jeremy. "Hey."

"Hey." Jeremy glanced down at the floor, missing the two adults communicate with motions. "I uh, I'm sorry I got you in trouble."

"Don't be." Michael held his hand out, and Jeremy hesitantly accepted it. "Wanna walk back together?"

"Yeah." Jeremy breathed out. "But, uh, we will have to be secretive about it. Cuz, you know. Parents and stuff."

"Yeah. I know." Michaels eyes danced in the sunlight. "But for now, it can be only us."

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