Tree Bros- Work This Out

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Warnings: Pretty angsty, cutting, depression and anxiety mentioned

Requested by @Really-Gay

Evans mind raced as his hands shook. He couldn't sit still, his eyes going back to the letter opener on his desk.

He really shouldn't be doing this again, but he'd felt... trapped.

And that small knife gave him some relief.

So he picked it up again, trying to steady his shaking hands.

He drew it close to his skin, pushing down hard enough to draw blood. He drew it across his skin, making a small line. He let out a shaky breath, finally able to breathe.

He leaned back in his chair, telling himself that that was the only one he'd do. He'd stop tomorrow, he wouldn't do anymore. He couldn't.

That week, Evan went to school with long sleeves, and bandages around his new marks.

No one noticed, and if they did Evan just told them he was cold. It was believed, so no one questioned him.

Except Jared Kleinman, who's known Evan for long enough to know that Evan wouldn't change his polo for anything. Maybe add a jacket to his outfit, but Evan has never not worn his polo.

When he told Connor this, Connor shrugged. "Dude, he's changed since last year. Maybe he just wants to branch out."

"Maybe," Jared said, clearly not believing Connor. "But think back. What did you do when you were cutting?"

Connor uncomfortably hugged his arms, glancing down. Then the words fully registered in his head. "You don't actually think-"

"Hey man, I don't actually know." Jared threw up his arms. "But he's been kinda angsty lately. Just... check up on him, okay? Please."

"Yeah. Yeah I'll do that." Connor said, the words thick in his mouth.

Connor ran over his words in the car, parking in Evans driveway. He turned off his car, and used his key to open the door.

"Honey! I'm home!" Connor called out sarcastically, trying to bring a smile to Evans face, and hoping what Jared said wasn't true.

He heard a loud squeak, and Evan shakily called back down. "I'll be down in a minute, sweetie!" Evan tried to make his voice sound normal as he quickly put the knife back. He debated if he should wrap up the cuts, but he could hear Connor coming up the stairs. He threw on a sweater, trying to seem casual as Connor walked into his room.

Connor leaned against the doorframe, studying Evan. He automatically noticed how uncomfortable Evan seemed, and the long sleeves on his body.

"What uh, why are you here? Not that I'm not happy you're here! I just, I uh, you know, homework?"

"Do you literally put your sweat, tears, and blood into your homework?" Connor asked, his eyes lingering on the letter knife on Evans desk.

Evan sinked into his chair, guilt washing over his body. "I, uh. I." His voice was shaky as Connor rolled up Evans sleeves. Connor winced slightly, and went to grab the first aid kit. He wrapped Evan up carefully, not making any noises as he tried to think of what to say.

"I'm sorry." Evans voice was small.

"Yeah, you better fucking be. This is serious, Evan. It not just some funny little joke. Do you even care about the girls? Jared?" Connor paused before adding. "Me?" He took a breath, running a hand through his hair. "I'm not trying to make you feel bad, it's just. I used to do this. But I stopped because I realized."

"Realized what?" Evan asked quietly.

"Realized how much I matter to some people. It doesn't matter how small, but I matter to someone. And so do you, Evan Hansen."

Evan nodded, looking away from Connor. Connor sighed, deciding to talk about it later. "Come on, why don't we go watch some comedy or something stupid." Connor gently picked up Evan, holding him close to his chest.

Connor kissed Evans nose, pulling back only to whisper. "I love you so so much."

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