The Losers Club

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It AU, so obviously some things are different. Whether it be a quotes wrong or something, I had to put my own spin on it. Please don't be mad!

Michael flashed his flashlight around the sewer, searching for something, anything that would prove that his brother was alive. He knew deep down that nothing he could do would get his brother back alive, but he was still hopeful.

"Jared, do you, do you know how dirty that, that water is? You're just, you're just walking in gray water!" Evan yelled nervously, clearly uncomfortable being so close to the water.

"What the fuck is gray water? And Connor, I swear to god, not every ducking plant is poison ivy." Connor retracted his hand, glaring at Jared as Evan spoke again.

"It's, is basically, it's basically piss and shit, so I'm just, I'm just saying!" Evan held up his hands.

"Guys!" Michael yelled. "Look." He held up a yellow sweater, soaked in sewer water.

"Is... is it your brothers?" Jared asked.

Michael gave him a deadpanned look. "Dude. This is a girls sweater."

"I'm just saying, it looks like something you would wear, so-"

"It's Brooke's." Evan said, forcing Jared to shut his mouth. "She... she disappeared too."

"Well, maybe we should go more in, and make sure-"

Michael cut himself off as a loud splash distracted them. They all turned to the sound, and were amazed to see a small girl struggling to get up out of the river.

"What the fuck?" Jared yelled, bringing the girls attention to them. They all glanced upwards as they heard yelling. They scrambled to help up the girl and run, trying to get away from the Dillinger gang.

They helped her up and got her out of the water, getting her on Michaels bike as they peddled as fast as they could to the store.


"What the fuck!" Jared yelled loudly as Jeremy, the tall lanky boy who joined them yesterday, jumped first into the water.

Jeremy came up for air, smiling. "Hurry up!"

Michael followed next, along with Christine as they both tried to get his attention.

"Awe. Look at everyone. They all want to fuck the new boy!"

"Beep beep, Jared. Please just, just, shut up."

Richie laughed as he pulled himself and Connor into the water, the two boys screaming the whole time as they tumbled down.

When they finally landed, Evan started to push Jared under the water in an attempt to drown him. Connor had to reluctantly pull Evan off of him, but he made sure to take his time.

When Jared resurfaced, he had a wide grin on his face. "Let's play chicken! Evan get on my shoulders."

"Are you, are you just trying to get my, my dick as close as it will, as it will ever be to your face?" Evan asked, as Jared flared at him before his frown turned into a smirk.

"Nah. I only have eyes for your mom."

"Beep beep, Jared."  Connor rolled his eyes as he watched Jeremy climb onto Michaels shoulders.

He and Christine watched, cheering on Evan and Jeremy as they two struggled against each other. Jeremy surprisingly won, and Evan fell back with a loud splash.

"Oh thank god, I thought I'd have to congratulate Jared." Connor said, smirking to himself as he saw Jared get red in the face.

Jared jumped Connor, and Christine jumped back, a smile on her face as the two boys jokingly fought each other.

Michael swam over to the two and stopped in front of Jeremy. "Your hair."

He meant to tell him he loved it. It was shorter, but it suited him so well. Christine beat him too it as she noticed how nervous Jeremy got.

"Your hair is beautiful, Jeremy." She said, ignoring the glare Michael sent in her direction.

The group continued to swim and laugh with each other happily; unaware of the creature that watched them all.

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