Boyf Riends- Late Night pt2

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Okay, I know it's super short but like it's also incredibly memey and a part two so like forgive me please

Michael adjusted his tux as Chloe put some makeup under his eyes. "Jesus Micha. Don't you know that the wedding night sex comes... after the wedding?"

"No, no. We didn't do that. I wish." Michael started. "Jeremy stayed up all night asking the most random, and stupidest things. Like, like those brain teaser things. All fucking night."

"Oh my god." Jenna commented, fixing his tie. "Okay, but that sounds kinda fun."

"It would have been. If it wasn't our wedding night and I was stressed as hell." Michael let out a weak laugh. "But it's probably fine."

"Yeah no," Chloe laughed. "Totally fine."


"Do you, Michael Mell, take Jeremy Heere to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do." Michael said proudly.

"And do you, Jeremy Heere, take Michael Mell to be your lawfully wedded husband?"


"My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard"

Jeremy fumbled with his phone, turning it off quickly. He gave a nervous laugh as Michael glared at him knowingly.

"Well, uh, I've officially seen 7:34pm on a clock?" Jeremy said, rubbing the back of his neck.

"You can't tell, but I'm so close to punching you in the face it's not even funny."

"Awe, baby-"

"Call me bro."

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