Kliensen- Oh My God!

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Okay, so like, I know people wanted a part two of the spider man thing but like... I wanted to write this with Kliensen so like sorry fam

Jared's eyes flew open, then he gradually shut them. He took a deep breath and stepped out of his bed. He walked over to his mirror, and looked to see if he had any scars from last night.

Jared stood still with his friends, laughing at some dumb joke Connor had made. He made a quick reminder to tell Evan the joke; he would love it. Suddenly, he felt a dull throbbing pain in his head, and he collapsed onto the ground.

The owner of the gun was no where to be gone.

"Oh my god, they killed Jared!" He heard Alana yell.

"You bastards!" Connor yelled into the sky, as of to curse the gods for this.

Thankfully, he didn't have a gun shoot wound, so he just picked out a normal outfit and headed to school.


"Oh hey Jared!" Evan said, waving to Jared. "We were just talking about the new uh, the new, uh, the new-"

"The new PlayStation thing. It looks pretty cool." Zoe said, finishing Evans sentence. "Oh yeah, where'd you go yesterday? You kinda just like, left us."

The group let out mumbled words of agreement, and Jared fought the urge to punch all of them. "I was shot and killed."

Connor chuckled, nodding his head. "Nice one, Jared. We all know you just went home so you could watch porn."

Evan gave him a sympathetic look, him being the only one who knew about Jared's curse. The curse of never fully dying.

"Well, uh, I don't know about you, but uh, I could go for some uh, some drinks. Jared, baby, can you uh, help me?"

"Oh yeah, sure." Jared followed Evan like a lost puppy, ignoring the snickers his friends gave them. While Evan wasn't looking, he flipped them all off.

"Jared... what uh... how...?" Evan trailed off, unsure of how to word his sentence.

"Gunshot wound. To the head." Jared said nonchalantly. He took the glass of water from Evan gratefully, biting his lip.

"Are you okay? Like, I uh, I know you like, regrow your uh, body and stuff but are you... are you mentally okay? Because I know that it must be traumatic and I'm sorry I'm rambling but I'm honestly scared you for you. Sorry. I just wish there was medicine I could give you for this."

"Don't be sorry, Evvie." Jared said, giving Evan a sincere smile. "You're the best medicine I could ever have."

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