Kleinsen- SPD

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This chapter is low key memey, based on a true story

I swear I'll write a Boyfs tomorrow I'm sorry

Dear Jared Kleinman,

I'm different.

I mean, of course I'm different. Everyone's different in one way or another, it's just. I mean, I'm just.

Evan sighed, stopping his typing. He sat back in his chair, running a hand through his hair. He took a deep breath, trying to calm his thoughts. He eventually gave up and shut the computer.

He stood up, walking around his room, biting his nails.

"How the fuck am I going to tell you?" Evan asked out loud, aware he didn't have an audience. "Ugh." He flopped onto his bed, glancing up at the ceiling.

"I have to, I have to tell you. I mean, how can I not? It's literally, it's a part of me. Just, please, please don't be mad?" Evan said, his voice coming out as a question.

He sat up, taking a deep breath.

He walked over to the computer, about to type something when his mom barged into his room.

"Mom, please, can you, can you knock?"

"Yes, sorry sweetheart. But I brought dinner!" Heidi smiled, placing the tray on Evans table. "Get some sleep, okay? Don't want Jared to be worried, do you?" She asked jokingly, ruffling Evans hair.

She gave Evan a kiss on his forehead, smiling softly as she left the room, closing the door behind her.

Evans smile fell as he looked at the microwave meal his mom had given him. It was in a paper plastic container, and Evan couldn't help but cringe at the thought of eating out of it.

Yeah, I should tell Jared tomorrow.

Tomorrow. Right. It'll probably be fine.

It's not fine. How the hell do I tell him?

'Hey Jared, baby, I have this disorder that makes normal things feel FUCKING HORRIBLE.'

Okay, maybe not like that.

Evan took a deep breath, tapping Jared on the shoulder.

Jared turned, smiling wide. "Hey, hot stuff." Jared pulled Evan close to him, placing his hands firmly on Evans hips as he pulled him in for a kiss.

Evan subconsciously placed his hands on Jared shirt, but instantly recoiled when he felt the fabric.

Jared pulled back instantly. "What's wrong? Baby, what's wrong?" His smirk fell, studying Evans face.

"I'm sorry, I'm not, I'm not mad at you, or anything, I just, it's just, your shirt, it uh."

"My shirt?" Jared asked. "What? Not your style?" He asked playfully, instantly trying to cover himself.

"No! No, it looks really good on you, I swear!" Evan protested. "I just, um, I." Evan stopped himself, trying to get the words out but failing.

"What?" Jared asked softly.

"I... I have this... disorder." Evan heard himself saying. "It's called sensory processing disorder. It um, it's basically like, uh, some things make me feel, really bad? Like, it's like how everyone hates the sound of someone running their fingers down a chalkboard? I feel that way for certain... Fabrics? Textures?" He took a deep breath, looking away from Jared. "So um, I'm sorry. I really like that shirt, I just, I just can't like, touch it without feeling uncomfortable?"

Evan awkwardly laughed, trying to reduce the tension he was feeling but failing.

"Oh, yeah no, I knew. Duh."

Evan blinked. "You... you knew?"

"Well, I mean, I assumed. What, did you really think I didn't notice when you like, epically cringed when we were asked to fold paper? Or like, when you have to pick up styrofoam, and you look like you want to die? Baby, I notice those things. And it's totally okay, trust me."

"Oh. Okay. Okay!" Evan said, smiling. "Thank you. For understanding, and stuff."

"Of course, baby. Hey, can you come with me after school to the mall?"

"Sure, I mean, yeah. Um, why?" Evan asked, grabbing Jared hand as they walked down the hallway.

"I want a new shirt," He smiled at Evan, kissing him gently on the forehead. "So you can take it off of me and throw it on the floor without cringing."

"Date night is cancelled for, for forever, Jared."

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