You get in a fight at school.

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Harry: (13)
You were talking to your friend, y/f/n until your school enemy elbowed you whilst walking by. You got angry and turned to face her and she was smirking. "Y/n just leave it" y/f/n said. You ignored her and went up to Natasha (sorry if that's your name just change it) and shoved her she shoved you back. She then pulled your hair and kicked your shin. You got really angry at her that time so you jumped on her and beat the living crap out of her until two teachers pulled you off, of her "GO TO THE PRINCIPALS OFFICE NOW" the teacher yelled you glared at Natasha and you both walked to the office. Once you got there you knocked on the door and the very angry principle opened the door "come in I've heard what happened and ive called your guardians but y/n parents wouldn't pick up" you rolled your eyes "that's because I live with my brother and not my parents!" He sighed "ok what's your brothers number?" You handed him your phone and he called Harry. 10 minutes later Harry came though the door and sent a harsh glare your way you put your head down "come on then y/n. I have to go back to the studio I don't want you to talk to the boys I just want you to sit down and think about what you have done" you groaned "I didn't even start it!" "I don't care who started it" you huffed and crossed your arms over your chest. Once you got to the studio you stomped past the boys and sat down in the chair and stared out the window. An hour and a half later Harry looked at you "may I remind you your grounded. Give me your phone and laptop" you nodded and handed him your phone. "Laptop?" "It's at home. Duh!" "Don't talk to me like that" "I'm sorry" you said Harry smiled and opened his arms you ran into them and hugged him. "Are you sure I'm grounded" he glared at you and you pouted.
Liam: (5)
"But it wasn't my fault!" You shouted at the teacher she sighed and just walked away you huffed and crossed your arms over your chest.
"Give me back my teddy!" You screamed at the boy he only laughed and walked away. You screamed and ran after him and jumped on him and started hitting him until the teacher pulled you off, of him.
Now you are waiting for Liam to pick you up. A few minutes later Liam arrived and picked you up and took you to his car. "Sweetie why did you do it?" "He wouldn't give me my teddy back!" "Sweetie you know violence is never the answer" "I know. I tried to use my words but he just ran away" "ok sweetie even though I'm disappointed in you how about we go get an ice cream" you grinned and nodded Liam kissed your cheek and went to get an ice cream.
Niall: (17)
"Niall calm the fuck down it was only a punch to the face!" You said to your pacing brother he rolled his eyes "yeah but it can still break something!" "Bro I don't even hit hard!" You said throwing your hands up he sighed "fine but your still getting put on the naughty step and do not tell me your to old for it!" "What?! That isn't even fair!" Niall just left you on the steps. You rolled your eyes and slowly walked upstairs. Without getting caught.
Louis: (10)
You had punched a girl in the face and broken her nose. Louis picked you up and fist bumped you. You went to the car "tell me what happened" "so she was annoying me so I punched her and she broke her nose" You said grinning he grinned back "good work" "at least you are not like Mum and dad" Louis grinned "you better not tell on me!" You said Louis smiled "your secret is with me"
Zayn: (19)
Let's just say you punched the girl in the face so hard that she had concussion for two months.

Sorry this is rubbish. 😊

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