You steal his money and get caught. And he's mad 2/5

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Harry (11)
At school today you had been pressured to steal some money from someone. You didn't want to and didn't know who to steal from and they got mad and beat you up. Now you were stood in the kitchen staring at Harry's wallet just teasing you to get it. You slowly walked over to the table and picked his wallet up. You opened his wallet and got £20 out. You slowly placed the wallet back on the table and slowly slid the note into your back pocket. You turned around and came face to face with harry. You opened your mouth to say something but he cut you off by putting his hand up. You looked down at your feet finding them very interesting "You want to know something y/n?" Harry asked calmly. You nodded slightly "THAT MONEY WAS FOR YOUR BIRTHDAY PRESENT BUT NOW IM GONNA USE IT FOR LOUIS' BIRTHDAY!!!!" He screamed at you, you flinched and took a step back "l-look harry I-" Harry cut you off again "no y/n. Go to your room right now. You won't be spending time with me and the lads tonight.... you're gonna stay in your room until I've got my sister back... and you've got a nice sincere apology... now go." You looked at harry slightly dazed until "NOW!" And you flinched and ran up stairs with tears in your eyes.

Harry's POV
I sighed and ran my hand through my hair. A knock on the front door brought me out of my daze and I stood up and sighed. I walked to the door and opened it seeing all of my friends. I smiled slightly and opened it wider "You ok harry... you look slightly angry and a bit dazed." Liam said. I sighed and shook my head "I caught y/n stealing money from my wallet." Everyone looked shocked "she did that?!" Louis asked angrily. I nodded and all the boys shook their heads. "She deserves to be put in naughty corner-" Liam got cut off by zayn "she also deserves to be bent over my knee..." he said. We stared at zayn quite oddly until he sighed "she needs to learn." He said and shrugged. "I'm not sure mate.... maybe just a time out but if she does it again.... she can be pulled over one of our knees." I said. They nodded and we began watching football.

Y/n's POV
You sighed and stood up. "Get that money bitch!" A boy called Aidan texted you. You ignored it and slowly stood up. You walked downstairs with out making a single noise until you decided to slap yourself but you didn't slap yourself you banged your hand onto the side of the door "HOLY SHI-" you cut yourself off by covering your mouth "y/n?" Harry called. You ignored him and carried on rubbing your hand "y/n?!!!" He shouted. You sighed "y-yes harry." You said softly "I thought I said stay up in your room unless you have an apology." You opened your mouth to speak but quickly shut it again. "Exactly." Harry muttered and pointed to the stairs. "No harry... I'm sorry. Pleaseeeee?" You whined. "No upstairs." Harry said firmly. "B-but.... please?" You asked. "NO!" Harry shouted. You opened your mouth to say something and you quickly ran into the living room and was met by the four other lads. Zayn saw you and shot up. Zayn grabbed your bicep and sat down then pulled you over his knee. "NO ZAYN PLEASE!!!" You shouted. zayn snacked your bottom five times. "That's a warning young lady now go upstairs and never steal from your brother again got it?!" He asked angrily. You nodded and zayn sighed whilst Harry pointed towards the stairs and you quickly ran up them actually learning your lesson. You also told Harry about Aidan and Harry told his parents about it and Aidan's parents were pissed with him and aiden never bothered you again... let's say he was quite scared of harry.

Liam (15)
You were at the stage of being a bad girl. You didn't listen to people, you swore, you did very bad things but the worse thing you did was steal from your brother. You walked into the living room and saw your brothers wallet on the sofa. You picked it up and took his credit cards out and a £50 note and put them in your pocket. "Y/N Y/M/N PAYNE!!! PUT THAT MONEY BACK NOW!" Liam screamed. You turned around and rose your eyebrows at the five boys. "And what are you gonna do bout it?" You asked whilst placing your hand over your pocket filled with the money. "I'll- I'll pull you over my knee." You chuckled. "You won't do that." You said shaking your head. "Wanna rest it?" Liam asked angrily. "Erm...." you muttered. "Fine!" Liam exclaimed and came over to you dragged you over to a near by chair in the kitchen and he sat down then pulled you over his knee and hit your poor bottom 10 times. "OW!" You said and began wriggling in his grip. "I'll give you your money!" Liam stopped and you gave him his money back.

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