You Have A Nightmare (boyfriend&girlfriend)

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Harry (17)
You were peacefully sleeping until you had a dream about Harry being kidnapped and held hostage. You heard a loud bang come from downstairs and I'm your dream you thought it was a gunshot but no it was just the boys coming in from the studio. You screamed in your dream and in reality. You shot up in your bed and saw a shadow which was just a figment of your imagination. You screamed again and jumped out of your skin falling off of the bed. You screamed again as pounding footsteps were heard you got up and began running to your wardrobe you opened the door just as the bedroom door opened. You squeaked as you saw five figures. "p-please don't hurt me" you said quietly. "y/n it's just us love" Harry said and he flicked the light on. You saw Harry and the lads and you sighed in relief. You walked up to Harry and touched his hair making sure he was actually in front of you "you aren't dead..." you said. Harry shook his head and rubbed your shoulder. You smiled and hugged him tightly "I love you" you said as you kissed him and hugged the others. "love you too"

Liam (19)
Liam was awoken by you twisting and turning in bed. He rubbed his eyes and looked at you. You had a look of discomfort on your face and you began sobbing in your dream "why Liam WHY?!" Liam went wide eyed and quickly got on top of you just as you began kicking and squirming. Liam held you tight "y/n I'm here. Shhh I'm right here... I'm here... Wake up baby... Cmon wake up... I'm here...." Liam cooed. Your eyes snapped open and once you saw Liam you screamed and began shouting prafonities at him "WHY DID YOU FUCKING GO WITH HER LIAM?!! AM I NOT GOOD ENOUGH!???!!?" you screamed. Liam forced you into his arms and he rocked you back and forth "it was a nightmare darling. We're both in bed.... I'm here I'm not with another girl... Its OK shhh" he said as you began calming down. "if I actually did cheat on you then I would not forgive myself because that'd mean I'd lose the most precious girl in my life" you looked at him with a smile. "there we go. DIMPLES!" he exclaimed poking you dimples "sometimes I think you're related to Harry..... That would be Awkward!" Liam said as he shuddered thinking of Harry being your brother and Harry bursting in on you and liam. "well good thing he isn't" you said smiling another time. Liam kissed you softly and you hugged him tight. "I love you" he said as he began soothing you to sleep.

Niall (16)
"no, no, no you're OK shhh" niall said holding you tight. You were not awake but niall was trying to soothe you. "Cmon Princess open your eyes. You're OK. You're on the tour bus with me and the lads. You're OK... Cmon sweetie open your eyes" he said rubbing your shoulder. You let out another scream as something got worse in your dream "you're having fun in here aren't y-" Harry cut  himself off when he saw niall rubbing your shoulder trying to wake you up. You began squirming in niall's grip feeling panicked again "NIALL!" you screamed. "I'm right here... I'm here sweetie" niall said trying to reassure you even if you couldn't hear him. "shit" Harry said as he kneeled down as well playing with your hair. "HELP ME!!!!" you screeched as your eyes opened and you breathed heavily. "baby you're OK.... Look I'm here. Hazza bear is here" niall said. Harry sent a glare at niall but smiled sweetly at you when you looked toward him with your big y/e/c eyes. "zayn? Where's zayn... Is he OK???" you asked panicked. "yes baby he's right over there in the bunk" niall said pointing at the bunk which held zayn. "are you sure?" you asked. When niall was about to answer Louis walked through the door with a glass of water whilst taking some paracetimal. "you ok?" he asked with a scratchy voice "yeah lou. Could you please open the curtain of zayn's bunk" Louis nodded and pulled the curtain back showing zayn curled up in bed with the duvette covering his head and half of his face was visible. You smiled "zaynie" you said quietly and for some reason his eyes opened and he gave you a big smile. "you ok boo?" he asked. You nodded and sniffled "can I hug you zayn?" you asked. He nodded and you stood up and walked over to his bunk hugging him tightly before walking back to your bunk and saying goodnight to everyone before peacefully falling asleep.

Louis (18)
You were sat in your shared bed shaking severely. You were whimpering quietly until you felt Louis move onto his side. You thought he was getting comfortable. You sniffled "what's wrong hun?" Louis asked making you jump. He placed his hand on your waist and he rubbed the skin that wasn't covered by your t-shirt. "nightmare" you said quietly. Louis nodded and sat up helping you lay down. He pulled you into his arms and you were still shaking so he rubbed your back up and down right and left and just doing circular patterns. "do you want to know what we're gonna do today?" you nodded slowly "OK close your eyes" you closed your eyes "so firstly we'll go out for lunch with the lads then we'll go bowling then we can come back and make history" you smiled and felt yourself slowly drifting off to sleep but you didn't want to "its OK if you doze off love" you smiled and fell asleep to Louis telling you about his day yesterday. He kissed your forehead and snuggled you closer.

Zayn (20)
You shot up in bed and that caused you to somehow roll of the side of the bed but before you could hit the floor a strong arm grasped your arm and pulled you into their chest. "you ok?" zayn asked. You nodded trying to wash away the memories of the nightmare. "did you have a nightmare?" he asked. You nodded and he kissed your shoulder. "go to sleep."he said as he rubbed your arm lightly. You sighed and closed your eyes picturing something nice but the horrific images invaded that and you whimpered. Zayn began singing illusion to you and finally you had calmed down in his arms. Soon. Enough you fell asleep in his warm string arms.

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