He nearly hits you.

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Harry: (13 in all)
"Y/N IVE TOLD YOU SO MANY TIMES TO ASK BEFORE TAKING MY THINGS!" Harry yelled. You looked down at the smashed phone "I'm sorry" "no your not so shut up before I shut you up myself!" Harry said through his teeth. "But I a-" you got cut off by Harry raising his hand and you covered your face up waiting for the impact. You slowly removed your hands and saw harry had a sad look on his face "y/n I'm so, so, so sorry please forgive me" you could never stay angry at your brother so you quickly hugged him. "It's ok" Harry kissed your forehead "let's watch a movie. And I'm still so sorry" "it's fine I forgive you" you said grinning. He sighed and nodded.
You were having a huge argument with your brother and somehow ended up In the living room where the boys were "LOOK IT WASNT MY FUCKING FAULT!" You screamed "YES IT WAS BECAUSE YOU WERE THE ONE THAT HIT HER!" You sighed and shut your eyes "CAT GOT YOUR TOUNGE Y/N!?" You glared at him "seriously just go get a fucking life and a real job" you mumbled the last bit and Liam rose his eyebrows "you do not talk to me like that!" You rolled your eyes and glared at him "don't look at me that way!" "WELL THIS IS THE ONLY PARE OF EYES I HAVE SO SUCK IT UP.! Liam rose his hand and harry quickly stood up and grabbed Liam's hand "dude don't get violent she's your sister. "I don't give a shit if she's my sister!" Liam screeched. You let out a sob and ran upstairs.
You and Niall were fighting over a cookie and when you grabbed it Niall rose his hand and you smirked. "If we both want it no one gets it!" You said and dropped the cookie and stepped on it Niall screeched and lifted his hand up and you ran away laughing.
You and Louis were fighting over which football colour was the best. Red or green. "NO RED IS THE BEST!" Niall screamed "NO GREEN IS!" "Red!" "Green!" "Redddd" "greennnn" Louis screamed and rose his hand up you quickly grabbed it and made him hit himself twice.
"I didn't mean to mess it up!" You said looking at zayns cracked mirror. He growled and rose his hand you covered your face. "I'll get you another one" he nodded "sorry for doing that" you sniffled but nodded.

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