They make you cry on accident

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Harry: (13)
You were in the living room sat next to Niall and Liam they were all ignoring you and Niall got excited and swung his arms about and his arms hit you in the face and it was so hard that it made your nose bleed. You cried out in pain and held your nose "y/n are you ok?" Niall asked panicking you nodded and quickly ran into the kitchen and grabbed some kitchen towel and tried to stop the blood Niall came into the kitchen with harry and Harry nodded at you then Niall came over  to you and hugged you "in so sorry love" he said and rubbed your back you sniffled "it's ok but watch out Next time ok?" Niall nodded and smiled.
Liam: (7)
You were playing with your teddy bear until Louis came over and took it and began trying to rip your teddy's head off. You screamed and began crying your eyes out "Louis William Tomlinson give Y/n her teddy back right now before I hit you in the face or even worse!" Liam said coming over to you he picked you up and Louis gave you the teddy back "y/n I'm sorry" you ignored him but couldn't ignore him for long because you forgot about it.
Niall: (2)
You were in your room sleeping peacefully until you felt something hit your face. You jumped and opened your eyes there stood a grinning harry but he was dark because there were no lights. You screamed and began crying. "Oh baby shhh" Harry said coming over to you and picking you up you snuggled into him and fell asleep until your brother pulled you out of Harry's grip.
Louis: (10)
You were very self conscious about your weight and no one had said anything but that changed. You were in the living room with the boys until they said they wanted popcorn they sent you to get it and you went to make it. You slipped up when you had filled the bowl and you thought it would be enough popcorn so you walked into the room and Liam groaned "wow look the fat kid ate most of the popcorn" Liam said the rest of the boys gasped and Louis was fuming "Liam get out" Liam sighed and walked out the room then shouted a "sorry!" Before leaving Louis hugged you and so did the others telling you, you were perfect.
Zayn: (19)
Your boyfriend had recently dumped you and Niall decided to make you feel worse. "I feel awful" you sniffled to zayn he pouted and rubbed your back "what it's just a stupid boy! H probably dumped you cos your ugly and stupid!" Niall shouted you looked down then stood up and slapped him hard. Zayn hugged you and whispered soothing words into your ears "don't listen to him. NIALL GET OUT!" Niall sighed and walked out not even apologising.

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