You're scared of a thunderstorm 4/5

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Harry (9)
You were laid in your bed until a big bolt of lightening made your room light up and create shadows on your walls. You were quite young so you thought someone was going to come and get you. You began shaking and pulled the duvet up even higher. You looked around the room until you saw your clock. "It's 12:30. I'm sure harry is still awake with the boys" you said to yourself. You slowly took your duvet off and got up and tiptoed to your bedroom door. You opened the door and slowly started walking until a crash of thunder scared the living daylights out of you, you screamed out of fear and ran downstairs not caring if you made a racket. You ran towards the living room where you saw the tv was on. You jumped on the closest person and clung to them shaking and breathing heavily. "Your ok baby." Harry said picking you up off, of zayn. Harry places you on his lap and you whimpered and turned around in his lap so you were snuggled into his chest. Another loud rumble came from outside and you jumped out of your skin and grabbed Harry's t-shirt. "Shhh, shh your alright. Nothing will hurt you. Shhh, shhh I've got you." Harry said whilst rubbing your back. "Close your eyes and go to sleep" harry said whilst kissing your forehead. You did as he said. You laid your head on his shoulder and closed your eyes. (You were basically straddling him) Harry played with your hair and your breathing slowed down indicating you had fallen asleep.

Harry's POV
I played with y/n's hair whilst watching the tv. I kept glancing at the boys who were taking pictures of us. I felt y/n's breathing slow down and her heart beat was at normal pace. I picked her up and tried to make sure she didn't move that much. I Carried her upstairs and opened my bedroom door. I laid y/n on my bed and pulled the covers over her I then grabbed the teddy she had given me for my 24th birthday and I put the teddy next to her. I then kissed her forehead. "Love you y/n. I'll be in, in a few" I said and left the room. I went back downstairs and smiled at the boys they smiled back. "Ok guys I'm gonna hit the hay ok?" The others nodded and said the same. We all walked upstairs and I said two of them can sleep in my parents bedroom cause they were on holiday. I sent the other two to my sisters room. I then walked into my room and took my t-shirt off and got into bed with y/n. I pulled y/n closer to me and she immediately snuggled into my chest. I smiled and kissed her head then fell asleep myself.

Liam (4)
You were out with the boys and it was a rainy day. You were in the security van and you were giggling at what faces the boys were making until a big noise erupted. You looked at Liam wide eyed and he smiled at you, you then heard it again and you didn't like it and you started to cry. "Paul can I take my seat belt off please?" Liam asked. Paul nodded from the front and Liam took his seatbelt off and took your seatbelt off and picked you up. Liam sat back down with you on his lap. You began crying again and Liam rubbed the back of your hand. "It's ok baby. Nothing will hurt you" you began wailing and Liam turned you around so you were facing his chest. He then began patting your bum trying to make you stop crying. After five minutes of non-stop crying you finally settled down in Liam's arms. "That's right baby girl" Liam said stroking your head. You put your head in Liam's neck and sniffled. You felt your eyes begin to close and you soon fell asleep in your brothers arms.

Liam's POV
Y/n settled down and soon fell asleep. After a while of driving to the arena we finally got there. I picked y/n up bridal style and I opened the sliding door and got out of the van soon followed by the others. "Oh my god!!!!" A fan screamed. Y/n woke up with a jolt and whimpered when she saw loads of screaming fans surrounding us. I held her tighter and Paul made a pathway for us. I began walking but didn't see a fan had her foot stuck out. I tripped over her foot but I got caught by Louis and Niall who were in front of us. Niall grabbed y/n and Louis grabbed me. Y/n clung to Niall and Niall walked into the arena. We went into our changing room and Niall laid y/n down on the sofa. "You ok babe?" He asked. Y/n nodded and smiled. Niall went to get changed and I went up to y/n. I hugged her tightly and kissed her head. "Well done for pushing through my love." I said. She nodded and smiled. I picked y/n up and placed her on my lap. I cradled her until her body went limp and she fell asleep.

After the concert.
Liam's POV
We said goodbye to the fans and went back to our changing room. We walked in and found y/n still asleep but with a purple blanket on. I smiled at Paul who was rubbing y/n's back. "Is she ok?" I asked. Paul nodded. "Yeah she's fine but she started crying for you half way through the show. Mike tried to get her back to sleep but it didn't work so I came in here and gave her the blanket and she fell asleep to my telling her a story about a prince and a princess." He said making me chuckle. "Thanks again Paul" Paul shook his head. "It was really no problem. I love to babysit kids. Especially y/n" I grinned at him and had already set a date for him to babysit my precious baby girl.

Niall (15)
You were with Niall in the living room watching a movie until a crash of thunder made you jump in Niall's arms. Niall rubbed your shoulder and pulled you closer. You buried your head into niall's jumper. "Your ok love. Nothing will hurt you. I'm here... I've got you" Niall said whilst running his hand through your hair. You nodded but burst out crying when all the lights turned off and the tv flashed off. Niall quickly stood up and you thought he was going to leave you so you grabbed his arm and held it with a tight grip. "It's ok baby girl" Niall said sitting back down. "Don't leave me" you said. frantically looking around looking at all the different shapes that were made by the trees outside and the light from the lightening. "I won't. I'm right here" he said rubbing your back. "Do you want me to go get the torches?" You nodded and he walked to the covered which was next to the window. Niall grabbed two torches and flashed them on. "Come on, let's go up to my room" Niall said taking your hand. You gripped his hand and walked up the stairs with him. You both got to niall's room and he walked in and closed the door back up. And he sat down on the bed with you "lay down babe" he said you did as he said and laid down on the side next to the wall. Niall then climbed in next to you. Another crash of thunder was heard and you jumped. Niall hugged you and put your head in his chest. You snuggled up close to him and buried your head in his chest. He rubbed your back and you shut your eyes and soon fell asleep.

Niall's POV
Y/n's breathing slowed down and I smiled. She's so terrified of storms and it hurts me to see her terrified. I rubbed her back and kissed her forehead. I smiled and closed my eyes. "Love you baby. I'll always protect you. Even if I'm not here with you" I said with my eyes closed. I then fell asleep with a small smile on my face.

Louis (18)
You were home alone sat watching 'vampire diaries' until everything turned off. You see you hated the dark. You whimpered and couldn't think of anything else to do except call Louis. He was at the studio with the boys until two in the morning. They were making a song or something like that. It rang and rang until it went to voice mail. You began panicking and your breathing picked up until you were gasping for breath. Louis began ringing you back and you picked it up immediately "hey baby what's up. Why you calling me at 12 pm?" Your breathing hitched. "L-l-louis p-p-please come home.... I'm scared..... it's really dark..... some lightening hit the electricity wire and there's no electricity" louis cooed at you. "It's ok baby.... I'll be home soon sweetheart.... I'll stay on the phone with you.... ok?" You nodded but quickly replied "y-yes" Louis began talking to the boys about what had happened. "Hey y/n you'll be ok love" harry said. You whimpered and began shaking. "L-Louis I'm scared" you said whilst looking around. "Don't be sweetheart. No ones going to hurt you. The doors are locked right?" You whimpered. "Y-yes" "ok good. Sweetie listen to me take a deep breath in" you did as he said. "Breath out" you did that and he kept repeating that until you were more relaxed. "Ok baby are you tired?" "Yes" you said back. "Ok babe we'll sing you to sleep" you smiled. "Get relaxed." You laid down on the sofa and put your phone on loud speaker. "Ok what song?" You thought for a second. "L-little things" you said. "Ok ready?" "Yes" you said. "Ok close your eyes and imagine we're there with you ok" "kk" You said and shut your eyes. "Your hand fits in my like it's made just for me. But bare this in mind it was meant to be-" you began drifting off to sleep and when it was louis' turn to sing you completely passed out.

Louis' POV
We began singing until we heard light snores. I smiled at the boys and they all cooed at how cute my sister was. I hung up and looked at the time. "It's 1:58 so I'm gonna head home. You guys can come to if you want to?" I asked. They nodded and I smiled. I got in my car and we drove home. I got to my house and we went inside. I found my sister fast asleep on the sofa. I smiled and kissed her forehead. She woke up and looked at me. She immediately sat up and she jumped into my arms. I chuckled softly and rubbed her back. She instantly fell back to sleep and I grinned at the boys. They grinned back. I'm so glad my 18 year old sister still has a little bit of cuddling time for her older brother. That's why I love her.... she's perfect.

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