He/they Protect You From The Paparazzi When You're In A Vulnerable State

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Harry (14) (him)
You held Harry's hand as you cried. You had one hand covering your face and your other hand interlocked with Harry's. You were both walking home from the park. You and Harry had had a chat about your cousin who had passed away a few weeks ago and you were broken. She was your Bestfriend. Soon enough you got Into a more public place and around 30 men with cameras came charging at you both. You only cried louder and Harry rubbed his thumb against your hand and you just cried harder as questions were thrown at you right left and center. "why're you crying?" "is y/n in trouble?" "did Harry tell you off. Has he taken liams job of being daddy direction" "tell us what's wrong" was all the questions you heard. "guys back the fuck off. If you're actual photographers or whatever you are I'm pretty sure you would know what the fuck we're going through so please fuck off and disturb someone else who actually cares" Harry said angrily. All of them didn't seem to care and they carried on shouting questions. "cmon" Harry said as he pulled you through all of them. Once you got out of the swarm of people Harry pulled you to a quiet area and he hugged you tightly. He kissed the top of your head "you ok hun?" you nodded "OK let's get home"

Liam (15) (them)
You had broken your leg only two days ago and somehow the Paparazzi had found out and they were always disturbing you. You were walking through town with the lads until loud shouting was heard and one man with a camera soon led to two and two led to three until three led to around 100 Paparazzi. Liam saw it happening and he got the boys attention and they all began circling around you to make sure no Paparazzi could step on your injured foot. "back off!" Liam shouted. All the Paparazzi actually listened and they backed up a little bit but two of them got to close for comfort and nearly stepped on your foot "FORGODS SAKE LADS! BACK AWAY! HOW MANY FUCKING TIMES DO WE HAVE TO TELL YOU?!!" Louis exclaimed. All of the Paparazzi were shocked but they decided to just shove their cameras closer to Louis and yours faces. Li was pissed and he shoved them out of the way making sure you were OK. When you finally got to the car Li helped you get in and the others got in sighing "OK let's not go out u tik you're better. Sound OK lads?" Liam asked. Everyone laughed but nodded.

Niall (13) (him)
Nialls arm wrapped around your shoulders as you walked through all the people. "it's OK love" niall said as you whimpered. You weren't feeling the best because you had a sickness bug. Nialls arm tightened around your shoulders as the flashing of the cameras increased. You winced a few times and Covered your eyes. "ignore them. They can get your sickness bug" niall said making you laugh and feel better.

Louis (16) (them)
You walked out of the arena with louis' arm wrapped around you and the lads were behind you both. You had just watched Louis perform on the x factor for your mother who had passed away and you were touched by it. You sobbed quietly as the cameras got closer and closer but thankfully louis' hand never stopped rubbing your shoulder. "don't cry darling. Mum wouldn't of wanted you to be crying would she?" you shook your head and Louis guided you to Paul's van. You clambered in and Louis got in next to you as you snuggled Into his side and cried quietly. "darling just hold on" Louis said rubbing your back with closed eyes. "the sun goes down and comes back up..." you sang quietly. Louis kissed the side of your head and you looked up seeing the lads with sympathetic looks on their faces. You sighed and rested your head on Louis chest "love you" you mumbled as you closed your eyes and fell asleep.

Zayn (17) (him)
You gripped zayns hand and cried silently. You had just had a meeting with all the lads and they had told you zayn was leaving the band. They said the rest of them would stay together. Paparazzi soon surrounded you and began bombarding you with questions. Zayn pulled you closer and sang quietly. You felt your phone buzz and you pulled it out and saw a message from each of the boys.

Louis~ you and me got a whole lot of history so don't let it go we can make some more we can live for ever!

Liam~ all of the rumors all of the fights but we always find a way to make it out alive.

Niall~ know they don't teach ya this in school now my hearts breaking and I don't know what to do. this is not the end! This is not the end!

Harry~ you've gotta help me I'm losing my mind keep getting the feeling you wanna leave this all behind thought we were going strong. Aren't we? baby don't you know don't you know we can live foreverrr!



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