You play never have i ever on the late, late show. James cordon

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Harry: (13)
You were sat with all the boys on the stage sofa with James in a black chair facing all of you, you all had signs one side saying never and the other side I have. "Ok tonight we are joined with all these wonderful boys and y/n... In case you didn't know she is Harry's sister" James said whilst looking at the audience. "Ok let's start this off" James said and looked at a card and just laughed. You chuckled already knowing something bad was gonna happen. "Never have I ever passed out because you drank to much alcohol" you gulped and looked down at your sign you signed and looked up to find everyone staring at you, you sighed and slowly turned your sign to 'I have' everyone gasped and James began laughing. "When?" Harry asked with raised eyebrows. "Well when I was..... 6 Mum left some red wine on the counter.... I liked the colour of it so I drank the whole cupful and Mum found me all drowsy and making no sense at all... yeah..." you said blushing. "Well What an entertaining story" James said laughing again you smiled and looked down again. "Ok never have I ever pooped myself in public" you groaned and put your head on your hands shaking your head. "Who ever wrote these questions are so, so, so.... fuck-" you stopped what you were saying and quickly covered your mouth. "I meant so flipping.... annoying" you said. Everyone stayed silent until James burst out laughing again. You sighed and shook your head. "Y/n we are having a long chat after this" harry said nudging your shoulder. You sighed and nodded. "Ok thank you for watching.... the boys will be back later to sing" everyone cheered and you guys walked off. You ran to the boys dressing room and sat on a black chair with your legs propped up on the table. "Y/n were you about to say fucking?" Harry said walking into the room. You nodded and Harry looked like he could piss himself. Then all the boys began laughing and you joined in glad Harry let it slide.

Liam: (5)
You were on the late, late show with your big brother and his band mates. "Hello y/n how are you doing this fine afternoon?" You just smiled and giggled at James he smiled back at you and got this card out and gave it to you, you looked at it and it had different words on it. James nodded at you and you noticed everyone was looking at you and all the boys had signs saying. Never and I have. You giggled again. "Never have I eber cwied over a girl" (never have I ever cried over a girl) everyone cooed at you and the boys all put 'i have' up. You giggled and looked at the next one. "Never have I eber cwashed someone's pwarty" (never have I ever crashed someone's party) all the boys put 'Never' up and you giggled loudly as you read the next one. "Never have I eber hawted a famiwy membor" (never have I ever hated a family member) zayn and Louis put 'I have' up and the others put 'never' up. You grinned at James and gave him the card back you then rested your head on Liam's shoulder and felt your eyes closing. You woke up later that day in your big girl bed happy you could embarrass the boys a bit.

I'll try and do the rest soon... give me some ideas or any requests for Niall, Louis' or zayns one... or just give me ideas

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