You Get Drunk. Ddm (only Harry)

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Harry (18)
You were stumbling around your house trying to figure out what to do. You looked around but it was all a blurr. You fell over your own foot and you hit the floor with a loud thud. You groaned and heard footsteps running down the stairs and you dad, Harry stood there looking angry "young lady do you know what the time is!?!" he asked. "I think I broke my butt. Can you call an ambulance.... Wait whats the number for 999?" you asked giggling. "y/n seriously get up" you pouted and he helped you up "buttt dadddd I've broken my butt,... I-I need medical attention now call 911" you said once again giggling "y/n we live in England not America" Harry said patting your shoulder you hiccupped and looked at him confused "then what is the number for 999?"ypu inquired again."you know. Let's get you to bed" he said trying to get you up the stairs "but I'm not tirrreeeddd and I've broken my bottom.... What if it doesn't work WHAT IF I CAN'T SHIT!??!!!" you asked. "sshhhh!" he said placing a hand over your mouth "bed now" he said as he helped you up the stairs. "can I have a penguin!? Can you buy me a penguin!??!! Please daddy" you said. "stop" Harry said as he tucked you in "can you tell Liam that I love him?" you asked giggling again. "also tell niall I love his hair... And tell Harry ill cut his hair off" you giggled out. "y/n I'm Harry" your mouth fell a gape "Well hiya Harry! No wonder my mum fell for you!" you exclaimed before passing out. Harry was shocked but he kissed your forehead before walking out of the room.

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