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This is for AaliyahJohnson277. Hope you like it.

Aaliyah's POV
Dad said he had a new girlfriend but apparently I have to call her 'mom' but no way. She isn't my mother. I was sat in my room just texting until "Aaliyah she's here!" I rolled my eyes but stood up. "Coming!" I shouted back. I slowly walked downstairs and found my dad hugging a blonde woman. The lady put her head up and I went wide eyed. "Oh god." I said quietly. "Hello you must be Aaliyah." "Yes nice to meet you." I said with a forced smile. She's never gonna be my mom. She can dream about that but nah I'm not calling her mom. Dad went out to get Taylor and I a drink and Taylor began talking about how she's going to be my new 'mom' I sighed . "Look Taylor you'll never be my mom." I said glaring at her. "And I don't like you." I muttered. "EXCUSE ME!!! I TRIED TO BE NICE TO YOU!" She shouted getting into my face. Ah nice way to meet my new 'mother' "what's going on?" Dad asked running into the room. "She just said I'll never be her mom and she said she doesn't like me!" Taylor exclaimed. Dad looked at me angrily. "AALIYAH STYLES GET UP THISE STAIRS RIGHT NOW! I DONT WANT TO SEE YOU FOR THE REST OF THE NIGHT!" Dad screamed. I stared shocked at him until he sent me a hard glare and I ran upstairs. I slammed my bedroom door shut and got my phone and began typing my real moms number into the phone with shaking hands. "Hello love" She said happily. "Mom... dads not being very nice... he's siding with his new wife or girlfriend.... I don't even know..." I said quietly. "Ok darling I'll come and pick you up ok?" I nodded. "Ok thanks." I said hanging up. I began packing a bag for a week until I heard a car horn. I smiled and picked my bag up and walked downstairs. "I thought I said stay upstairs." Dad said glaring at me. "Actually you said you didn't want to see me so yeah.... bye." I said and began walking to the front door. "Stop right there!" Dad said angrily. "Why?" I asked. "Because I'm in charge!" He yelled. "Well I'm sorry to break it to you... Harry but il going to moms for a week... see you Saturday." I said leaving him speechless. I slammed the front door shut and I found my moms car. I got inside and put my seatbelt on. Dad cane out of the house and began pleading. I nodded at mom and she drove off. I gave a curt smile at my dad and he looked hurt.

One week later.

I've been doing terrible. I really miss my dad. "Ready sweetie?" Mom asked. I nodded and she began driving me home. "Thanks mommy." I did once we arrived. My mom smiled "no problem. Call me again if there's any other problems. Love you" "love you too mom." I said as I closed the door. I sighed and walked out to the front door. I opened it and the house was completely silent. "Dad?" I asked. "AALIYAH!" I heard Dad scream and he came from the kitchen with bags under his eyes. "Oh my god hunny." He said wrapping his arms around me. "I'm so sorry for yelling at you." He said sadly. "It's ok Dad.... I've learnt to forgive." I said smiling. "Oh I'm so glad... I'm sorry Taylor yelled at you like that." I nodded and sighed. "So How was Kendal's?" He asked. "Good." I mumbled. Dad nodded and smiled. "Want anything to eat?" He asked. "Sure." I said. "Ok I'll go order us.... dominos?" I nodded and smiled. "Coming right up." He said ruffling my hair. I smiled and shook my head. Once Dad had ordered he came and sat back down. "So where's Taylor now?" I asked. "She's gone on tour now.... I've also broken up with her.... she said I was to clingy... and I found out she was sleeping with other guys." I sighed and nodded. "Sorry bout that Dad." Dad shrugged and sighed. I looked at my phone and began searching things up about Taylor swift and it came up with an image of Taylor herself and Liam Payne. "Oh my god." I said quietly. "What's wrong?" Harry asked. I showed him the picture and he went wide eyed. Let's just say Liam and Harry had a long talk but they stayed friends. To this day Liam keeps saying it's photoshopped but I don't believe it. Dad and I began eating pizza and Dad took a selfie of both of us and I chuckled "love ya." He said. "Love ya too." I said grinning.

Hope you liked it.

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