You have a stutter but get over it.

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Harry: (12 in all)
You were in a school play and apparently your acting skills were amazing and the new drama teacher decided to give you the lead part. Tonight was the night. You were waiting in the room with the other performers until you heard the starting music start and you quickly ran to the steps then slowly walked on stage with your 'mother' who was your friend, y/f/n you looked out to the crowd and noticed your brother and the boys. Your 'mother' was abusive and now was the time for you to act scared and you were meant to stutter and you were amazing at it. "You know your a worthless little brat!" "W-w-w-w-why d-do y-you s-ay that ma'm?" "Cause you are worthless! You are a attention seeker! I wish you were never born!" She yelled and walked off stage you put your head down and sniffled now was the hard bit, speaking and fake crying. You sighed and began talking "I-I-I wishes he didn't treat me like this. I haven't even done anything to her!" You said and fell to the ground and sobbed into your hands just then your 'farther' came on stage and looked at you "Sweetie calm down. Mums gone. She was very rude" "w-w-what do you mean by gone?" Your 'Dad' ignored you and walked off stage you sighed again and began talking again and closing the show up and letting the dancers dance. You got into the changing rooms and changed his then harry and the boys were banging their fists on the door. You quickly opened it and harry brought you into a hug. "Well done! I'm so proud of you.... were all so proud of you. Now let's go Celebrate with-" Niall cut Harry off and yelled "Nando's" then ran off. You smiled and nodded. Harry has his arm around you for the rest of the night.
You were on tour with Liam and his band mates. You were sat on the sofa until a fan began banging on the window. What you didn't know was the boys had set you up to see if you would get over your stutter. The fan began asking for your name and you sighed "my name is y/n" you said the fan grinned "can I have an autograph y/n" "sure" you said and smiled she smiled back and you signed it then she went and you turned back around to see the boys with wide smiley faces. You smiled back and Liam immediately crushed you into a hug.
"Y/n come on just say hello to us without stuttering please?" Niall said pulling the puppy face you sighed and ignored him "y/n come on who is your favourite celebrity?" Liam said you looked at him and stayed quiet for a second. You saw the boys were about to groan so you quickly said "y/f/c" (your favourite celebrity) the boys cheered and hugged you, you getting all of their attention for the rest of the night.
"Babe it's ok shhhhh it isn't your fault." "B-b-but the kids made fun of me" you said and sniffled loudly. He rubbed your back for a few minutes until you were resting your head on his shoulder "just say your name without stuttering love then I'll call the boys over tomorrow and they'll help you as well as me ok" you nodded "y/n" you mumbled he grinned and nodded for me to continue "Lou, harry, Li, ni and zayn" you said and grinned. Louis grinned back and hugged you tighter.
"Y/n its fine they are just jealous that you have such an amazing brother to help you with your stutter ok? If they are being rude all you when to do is ignore them but if they get worse just come to me or one of the boys" "ok thank you zayn" you said and grinned he grinned back and hugged you tightly "awww look at those two!!!" Louis squealed and took a photo of you two cuddling whilst the others were just cooing.

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