He comes home from war

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Just to say I'm not trying to offend anyone who has a family member in the army or anything like that. I just had an idea from seeing 'dunkirk'
You read the letter Harry had sent you over and over again. "Dear, y/n I'm completely fine. How are you? I hope you're all good as well as Mum and Dad. How are the lads? I miss you a lot baby. I'll be home soon, I promise. I love you y/n.
Sincerely, Harry.
You had been sent that letter a year ago. You were afraid Harry wasn't alive. "Mum?" You questioned walking into the kitchen. "Yeah?" She asked turning around. Ever since Harry had left which was 6 years ago Mum had gone into a stage of guilt, fear and one bad thing, depression. "Can I sleep in Harry's room tonight please?" You asked. "Of course." She said and walked away. You sighed and walked upstairs.  You opened Harry's door slowly and laid down on his bed. "Just stop your crying it's the sign of the times....." you sang quietly. "Sweet creature hmm, m, hmm, hmm" you sang trying to ease your mind. You got into bed and covered yourself up with his duvet. You looked around his room twisting and turning in the bed trying to get comfortable with out your mind racing bad thoughts until you noticed a picture of you and harry, harry in his army uniform and you were in your school uniform. You were hugging him tightly whilst he saluted the camera. You picked the picture up slowly and just broke. You cuddled the photo frame close to your chest whilst sobbing into his pillow. "Harry please be ok." You whispered whilst closing your eyes.

Harry's POV
"Someone's gotta get off the boat." I said whilst clenching my fists. That's the only thing that stuck to me whilst I was on the train going back home. I got frustrated and didn't want to die. I sighed and rested my head on the window. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

Five hours later:
Harry's POV
I woke up to a fellow friend shaking my shoulder. I nodded and got up. I walked off, of the train and began looking around the slightly unfamiliar town. I sighed and began walking until I came to my house. "Wow." I muttered shaking my head. I walked to the front door and knocked on the door. The door opened and my mother answered. She looked at me for a moment until her eyes widened and she began crying. She pulled me into her arms and held me close. "Hello mother." I said kissing her head. "I thought you weren't alive." I smiled lightly and shook my head. "Where's y/n?" I asked. "Upstairs in your room." Mum said sadly. I nodded and took my jacket off and walked upstairs. I walked into my room and found my baby curled up cuddling something close to her chest. I quietly walked over to her and took the photo frame from her arms. I cooed quietly and sat on my bed rubbing her back.

Y/n's POV
You slowly woke up to the feeling of something soft rubbing your back. You slowly opened your eyes and your eyes met with the familiar green ones. "H-harry?" You asked. "Yes darling." He said. You immediately hugged him and straddled him. He rubbed your back whilst kissing your head. "I-i-i-i-" you couldn't say anything and harry shushed you whilst petting your hair. "Lay down darling." He said. You did as he said and got under the covers. Harry took his boots off and climbed into bed next to you and hugged you tightly. His arms wrapped around your waist and he pulled you close. "Y-you can cry darling." Harry said seeing the build up of tears in your eyes. "It's ok go on." Harry said and kissed your nose. You nodded and cuddled closer to him and let it all out. "I-I-I thought the end was near for you!" You exclaimed into his chest. "It's ok love... I'm here." You began slightly hyperventilating so Harry rolled onto his back and placed you on top of him and let you lay your head on his chest. "Calm your breathing sweetheart. I'm right here. I'm not going back to war.... ever again.... I'll be by your side no matter what." He said quietly whilst letting an unseen tear slip down his cheek. "H-harry.... I'm.... here go you too..... you can cry with me...... and let it all out." You said whilst kissing his cheek. Harry looked up at you and you saw more tears build up in his eyes. "I've been having nightmares y/n! Ever since I was meant to kill the other side I threw it the wrong way and it killed five of our men! I didn't mean too I swear!" Harry said whilst holding in his tears. "It- it wasn't your fault hazza bear.... you were scared.... you do it for self defence..... it wasn't your fault..... and I love you no matter what." You said. "I really am glad I have you as a sister y/n." You smiled. "And I'm glad to have you as a brother..... I'll be here for you... I'll be your shoulder to cry on.... and I'll comfort you during any nightmares..... I'll take your place for a few.... you comforted me when I was scared.... so now it's my turn to return the comfort." You said wiping a stray tear. "Thank you..." harry said. You smiled and he closed his eyes whilst holding you tightly. "You can sleep with me." He said. You smiled and wrapped your arms around him. Him feeling safe in your little arms and you feeling safe in his strong arms.

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