You dont want to go to school so he gets the boys to come and help.

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Harry (10)
You were having a complete break down. Harry has told you to get dressed for school but you didn't all you did was cry and cry. Harry came into your room expecting you to be dressed and ready but you were still laid on your bed trying to breath. "Oh baby." Harry said. Harry quickly walked up to you and wrapped his arms around your shaking figure. "Shh, shhh." Harry said whilst rubbing your back. "I don't want to go to school." You said. "I know love.... when I was your age I felt the exact same way... I didn't want to go to school... I was grumpy all the time... and I was always tired... mainly because I didn't go to sleep at night... anyways babe I'm sorry but I've got to take you to school." You began crying hysterically. "Y/n no, no don't cry." You didn't listen and began crying louder. "One second." Harry said and walked out of the room.

Harry's POV
I went out of y/n's room and I grabbed my phone and called zayn. "Hey harry. You ok? What's that noise in the background?" Zayn asked sounding a bit worried. "Hi zayn. I'm fine... and I'll tell you what the noise is in a minute... are the boys with you?" There was silence for a moment or two. "Yes they're here with me... you're on loud speaker by the way." I nodded. "Hi guys." I said. "Hi!" They all said. "Ok guys If you could, could you come over here and help me please.... y/n's is having a breakdown about going back to school... she's freaking out... won't stop screaming or crying... I don't know what to do." I said. "Ok lad we'll be there soon." Zayn said and hung up. I sighed and went back up to y/n's room. "Y/n?" I asked walking into the room. "Go away!!!!" She shouted. I sighed and sat down on her bed. I placed my hand on her back and rubbed it. "Babe calm down." She shook her head and began sobbing loudly. A few minutes of rubbing her back I heard a few knocks on the door from downstairs. I walked downstairs and opened the front door to see all the guys. "Hey harry. Where is she?" Louis asked. "In her room.... she's still not dressed." Louis smiled. "It's all good harry. My sisters sometimes don't get dressed so I dress them myself so maybe you should try that out." Louis said. I sighed but nodded.

Y/n's POV
You were sobbing into your pillow until your door opened. You looked up and saw all the boys. You began crying again. "Y/n if you don't get changed then I'll have to change you myself." Harry said. "What?!" You shouted. You then began sobbing again. You screamed and began having a hissy fit. Yes a hissy fit. "Y/n stop it!" Harry said sternly but gently. You didn't listen and stood up and began throwing your pillows at all of the boys. That was when harry had, had enough. Harry grabbed you and took your pyjama trousers off then put your school skirt on he then took your t-shirt off and put your shirt on. He then put your tie on and began brushing your hair. You screamed, wailed, cried, sobbed, kicked, bit, and even slapped. After you had slapped Harry and somehow your finger poked him in the eye all the boys began holding onto you. "Y/n you are going to school whether you like it or not." Louis said. You stomped your foot and all the boys sighed. "Y/n it's Friday today.... ok let me make you a deal.... if you go to school today... I'll let you sleep in my bed with me.... we can cuddle and watch movies.... and have all the sweets you want." Harry put his hand out for you to shake. You looked at it for a second. "Deal" You said and shook his hand. "Ok let's get you to school" Liam said. "Butttt you've got to catch me first!!!!!" You shouted and ran off.

Liam (15)
"Y/n come on! I've already let you sleep in." You groaned and mumbled then felt yourself drifting off to sleep. "Come on!" Liam said and patted your head. "Don't!" You mumbled and covered your head with a pillow. "Man how did Mum deal with you in the mornings?" He asked shaking his head. "She was nice!" You shouted. "She was nice? In what way? Of course she's nice... she's our mother!" You groaned. "Mum would always rub my back to wake me up.... she wouldn't pat me on the head!" You said. Liam sighed. "Fine if you want me to turn into Mum then I will." He said. Liam walked out of the room. A few minutes later he walker back in. "Come on sweetie." Liam said in a girly voice. He then began rubbing your back. "Wakey, wakey." You pushed Liam's hand off, of you and just mumbled something that he couldn't understand. "Fine... hard way it is." Liam said. Liam grabbed your waist and pulled you up. You began struggling still with your eyes closed. "Y/n I swear to god!" You latched onto Liam and put your head on his shoulder, you then closed your eyes and fell asleep... well you nearly fell asleep. "Y/n... come on." Liam said trying to get you off, of him. "NO!" You shouted. Liam sighed. "Ok babe just go to sleep." Liam said and began walking down the stairs with you half asleep. Liam laid you on the sofa and you fell into a deep sleep after that.

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