He helps you with homework.

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Harry: (10)
"What is 10+50" you mumbled to yourself. You began crying because you were frustrated. Harry heard and rushed upstairs "whats wrong honey?" He said putting an arm around your shoulder "I don't get this question! I feel stupid" You yelled he rubbed your back "whats the question "10 + 50" "ok 10 +50 is 60" "thanks" you mumbled and hugged him. He smiled and kissed your head.
Liam: (16)
"I feel stupidddd" you sang skipping down the stairs "why?" "I don't understand a question it's 600 times 600" "that answer is 36o,000" "how the fuck did you know that!?" "I studied maths" "no you didn't" "fine I looked it up on the calculator" "ok anyway thanks."
Louis: (7)
"Y/n just use a calculator or go ask the other boys" "wow your such a great brother" you said sarcastically. He giggled and you rolled your eyes.

Niall: (14)
"Niall helpppp!" "What?" "I need help with homework. It 2+2" "you should know that. It's 4. 2+2 is 4 - 1 that's 3 quick maths" "omg" you muttered.
Zayn: (18)
"I don't get this" you said looking at Zayn "what is it?" "Multiplication" "just use a calculator" "oh, didn't think of that"

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