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This is for AaliyahJohnson277. Hope you liked it.

Aaliyah's POV
I was looking for lux because she was hiding. "Lux" I called looking around. I couldn't find her and I sighed. I looked around again until I heard a giggle come from behind the couch. I clambered up onto the couch and looked over the edge of the sofa and found lux hiding with her eyes closed. "Found you!" I exclaimed. "I can't see you so you can't see me!" She said. I giggled and poked her. She looked up and pouted. "Your turn Aaliyah." She said sitting down on the couch. I giggled and began running around looking for a hiding place. I was running around until I came across a big bright light shining in my face. I froze and looked around noticing loads of girls. "AWWW!!" They exclaimed. I waved at them and smiled. I looked around again until I heard the starting cords of story of my life. I looked over to where the music was coming from and I saw my daddy and papa. "DADDY!!!" I exclaimed running up to them. Papa kneeled down and I ran into his arms. "Hello darling. What you doing?" Papa asked. I just giggled. "I playing with lux." I said. Papa nodded and he stood back up and began singing. "SToRY OF MY LIFE!" I shouted skipping around Niall, louis and Liam. All the fans began laughing and cooing. "Aaliyah!" Paul exclaimed and came into the stage. I giggled and Paul went to grab me so I ran into the middle of daddy and papa. I gripped daddy's leg and giggled again when Paul tried to grab me again. All the fans were 'awwing' and some were even crying. "Aaliyah come here!" Paul whispered. I just laughed. "BY DADDY BYE PAPA BYE GIRLIES!!!" I shouted and ran off stage with Paul chasing after me. I hid behind the couch and Paul cane looking for me. Paul turned around and I jumped out from behind the couch and began running again. I somehow arrived back on the stage. "Hiii!!!" I shouted waving. I got picked up by Paul and he began taking me off, of the stage. "DADDY!!!!!" I screamed. Daddy looked at me with a sad smile. "PAPA!!!!!" I screeched. They did nothing they just carried on singing, 18. Paul put me down and I pouted. A few minutes went by and I heard all the fans screaming again. I looked and saw Lou carrying a squirming lux off, of the stage. I giggled and decided to just be a good girl. I looked around for a few more minutes until I saw daddy. "Daddy!!!!!" I screeched and jumped off, Of the couch and jumped into his arms. "Do you wanna go see some nice people?" He asked. I nodded and he began walking toward the stage. I grinned and he carrie she onto the stage making all the girls scream. I began answering questions on a thing called twitter and soon enough I was getting tired. I rested my head on daddy's shoulder and he rubbed my back. I soon fell asleep hearing everyone cooing.

Hope you liked it.

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