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This imagine is for Johnwatsonisbae. Hope you like it.

Bela's POV
I was sat in art class just doodling until I got poked in the back. I turned around and noticed the class clown, Jason. "What Jason?" I asked. "Let me massage your knuckles." He said smiling. "No Jason.... go annoy someone else." I said waving him off. "Come on just this once Bela.... please?" Jason pleaded with Hope in his eyes. "Jason no." I said. "Come on!" Jason exclaimed. I rolled my eyes finally giving in. "Fine!" I said and turned around so I was facing his desk and I put my arm on the desk. "Ok so firstly I'm gonna crack them k?" He asked. I huffed in annoyance but nodded. Jason began doing useless techniques and I was getting quite frustrated with him until he bent my fingers backwards and I heard a cracking sound. I cried out in pain and Jason looked quite shocked. "What's wrong?" He asked actually looking worried. "M-my f-fingers-" I said gripping my hand. "Oh god.... I'm sorry.... ermmm..... MRS MALLINSON BELA BROKE HER FINGERS!!!" He shouted. Mrs mallinson turned her head towards us and went wide eyed. "Oh my goodness.... Bela go straight to the nurses office." I winced but nodded quite thankful. "C-can someone come with me?" I asked quietly. "Of course." She said and got a girl called Megan to take my bags. "Thanks Megan." I said as we arrived at the nurses office. "No problem." She said and walked off. "Hello What seems to be the problem today?" He nurse asked smiling. I lifted my hand up but winced. "Oh my goodness.... lets get some ice on that!" She said and helped me over to a chair and got some ice. "Here you go.... I'll go call your brother right now because you need some medical attention ok?" I nodded and she began phoning Niall. "Yes ok see you soon." The nurse said and hung up. "He'll be here soon" she said smiling. I nodded and sighed closing my eyes. "Oh gosh Bela!" Niall said walking over to me quickly and cupping my face with his hands. "Are you ok darling.... I haven't heard exactly what happened.... so tell ni where it hurts." Niall said  wiping the tears away. "M-my f-fingers." I said quietly. "Ok... let's go to harry and Liam's office and they can help.... and no way are you getting out of this because you are injured... and you're in pain but I'll be there ok?" I nodded and Niall smiled. I stood up and Niall quickly picked me up. "Niall... what are you doing?!" I exclaimed quietly. "You're injured and you're my baby sis so I'm helping you." I nodded slowly and he took me to his car. He buckled me in and quickly shut the door getting in his seat and driving off to the clinic. Once we arrived at the clinic we got out and walked inside. "Hello.... Bela Horan has an appointment with Harry and Liam." Niall said smiling at louis who was the receptionist. "Oh dear what happened darling?" Louis asked seeing my iced hand. "A-a boy in my class hurt my fingers and I think he broke them." I said quietly. "Oh dear.... well you'll be glad to hear Liam and Harry are ready for you now." Louis said smiling happily. I smiled lightly but winced again at the pain in my fingers. "Bela horan." Liam said smiling. Niall smiled and put an arm over my shoulder and walked with me over to Liam. "If you would like to follow me." Liam said and began walking away. We followed him and got to a room. "Hello love." Harry said smiling. "Hi harry." I said quietly. Niall and I took a seat and Liam and Harry both took a seat in front of us. "So what exactly happened?" Harry asked. "So basically I was doing some work until a boy kept on asking to massage my knuckles. I denied but finally gave in and one thing led to another and he bent my fingers the wrong way and I think they may be broken." I said sadly. "Ok... may I take the ice off?" Harry asked. I nodded and Harry gently took it off. I winced and Liam grabbed a metal table thing with a soft surface and he put I next to me. "Ok can you put your hand on here please." Harry said patting the surface. I nodded and rested my hand on it wincing again. "Ok all I'm gonna do is just move your hand and fingers about ok... I'm sorry if a hurt you." I nodded and Harry began moving my hand into different positions. That didn't hurt to bad but when he moved my ring finger I cried out in pain. Niall immediately wrapped his arms around me and Liam was holding my other hand. "Ok... all done..... now all we need to do is get an x Ray ok?" I nodded and Liam walked out and came back in with zayn and Louis who were pushing a machine. "Thanks Guys." Liam said. They smiled and walked out. "Ok so just stay still... this won't touch you it's just going to hover over your hand ok?" Liam asked. I nodded and he grinned. "Ok Niall you'll have to step out to mate... sorry." I whimpered and Niall kissed my forehead. "It's ok I'll be right here ok?" I nodded and he walked out. "Good girl Bela just stay nice and still.... and one more.... and done." Harry said. They walked back in "well done sweetie." Liam said. I smiled and Harry walked out with a picture. A few minutes later Harry walked back in with a smile on his face. "Ok Bela you have broken your fingers.... but they aren't that bad ok?" Harry said sadly. I nodded and Niall rubbed my shoulder. "Ok so we'll get your fingers prepped and make sure they're secure before you can go k?" Liam asked. I nodded and he smiled. They wrapped my fingers up and I was on my way with Niall. "I'll have a little chat with that class clown of your ok?" Niall asked. I smiled and nodded. "I'll make sure he never touches you again ok?" I nodded and Niall pulled me in for a hug. "Love you sis." Niall said. "Love you bro." I mumbled agains this chest.

Hope you liked it 🤗

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