He scares you and you kick him: only liam and harry

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Harry (15 in all)
You were in your room whilst harry was downstairs with the boys. You heard Harry scream and you quickly ran downstairs Harry jumped out at you just as you turned the corner. You screamed and you pushed him up against the wall then kicked him in the shin. Harry cursed at you and fell to the ground "shoot... I'm so sorry" you said Harry sighed "it's fine..." you turned around when you heard people laughing "shut up before I hit you where no boy wants to be hit" you muttered all the boys stopped laughing and put their hands up in defence. "Once again I'm sorry" you said to harry and walked upstairs not helping him at all "RUDE!!" You heard Harry yell you chuckled and shook your head.

You were doing some homework until someone poked you on your back you ignored it but it happened again until something popped out in front of you, you screamed and your foot collided with someone's face "oh gosh I'm so sorry" you said looking wide eyed at Liam clutching his face "sorry" you said Liam just groaned got up and walked out you chuckled and shook your head "I'm not helping you!!" You yelled Liam groaned and fell silent... you stood still until "I'm gonna get you, you little rascal!!!" You screamed and ran off to your room, Liam grabbed you and began tickling you, you obviously didn't mean what had happened next but Liam was in a lot of pain... you kicked him where the sun don't shine... Liam screamed and fell to the floor and you ran to your room, locked your door, and planned to stay there for the rest of your life... 😅😀

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