He's a murderer and you don't know but you find out because you see something.

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Harry (15)
You were in your room just doing some homework until you heard loud thumps going down the stairs. You slowly opened the door and tiptoed to the stairs and looked down. You almost felt like you were going to be sick. You quickly walked back to your room and began doing your homework again but you couldn't get the image out of your head. It was the image of Harry dragging his ex- girlfriends dead body down the stairs and there was a trail of blood. You had a close relationship with, Emma, Harry's ex girlfriend. She was so funny and very sweet. You were broken when harry told you she had been killed in a crash... I don't think that happened. You sighed and put your head on the desk. "Y/N!!!!" Harry shouted from downstairs. "Y-yeah?" You replied. "Come down here." You sighed and stood up. You began slowly walking down the stairs and saw him rubbing soap into his hands. "Yeah?" You asked softly. "Come here y/n." Harry said turning around. You slowly walked up to him and he smiled he then placed his hands on your shoulders and looked into your eyes. "Y/n, did you see what I did?" You started to panic so you shook your head. "Y/n... tell me the truth.... now." "H-harry I don't know what you're talking about..... I was upstairs doing home work." Harry sighed. "Y/n I'm giving you one more chance to tell me if you saw what I just did." You shrugged. "I'm not gonna do anything to you.... I couldn't do anything to my baby girl." Harry said and pulled you into his chest. "I think your lying do you want to know why?" You nodded and Harry pulled you out of his chest and kneeled down so he was looking up at you and you were looking down at him. "1. You are shaking... 2. You've got tears in your eyes and 3." Harry pushed the pieces of hair off, of your neck and he placed two fingers where your heartbeat would be. "And 3. Your heart is racing.... you're scared aren't you.... don't be scared of me baby." Harry said and pulled you in for a tight hug you didn't hug back and Harry sighed. "Ok y/n you can go.... but please, please, please don't tell anyone.... I really don't want to kill you.... or hurt you.... or lock you in the basement." You sniffled and looked down but you nodded. "Y/n you gonna tell anyone?" You shook your head and harry nodded and kissed your forehead. "I'm also sorry about lying to you about Emma." You nodded and walked upstairs.... 'I've got to tell someone' you thought to yourself.

Liam (5)
You were sat with Liam on the sofa playing with his fingers until you noticed a spec of blood on the back of his hand. "Li, li you hurt?" You asked. Liam looked confused and looked at you, you nodded at his hand and he slightly smirked but that quickly disappeared when he saw you looking at him. "Look sweetie.... big brother li had to do something.... I had to do a surgery on someone." You nodded because apparently Liam had a job of being a surgeon yes he was a surgeon but he did very illegal things to patients. He gave them surgeries they didn't even need and he gave them medication they didn't need but you didn't know this. "What happened?" Your curious self asked. "Stop asking so many questions." Liam said turning his attention to the tv. You laid back into Liam's chest and just watched the tv until news came on. "Liam James Payne will be arrested very soon because of the numerous murders and surgeries that weren't needed on patients... also Liam Payne's friends will be going to jail because of helping mr Payne. His friends have ran and police are trying to find them. There names are louis tomlinson, Niall Horan, Zayn Malik, and harry styles. If you see them stay out of their way and make sure you call the police straight away... Liam Payne's Mum was found murdered in the back alley way of the hospital.... Liam Payne and his friends were the ones that did the surgery on the mother of two children... one child is a sweet child she is five years old and she is called y/n... she will have to go into care because she hasn't got anyone. The other child, Liam Payne is a complete monster... stay away from them please-" the news reporter was cut off by Liam turning the tv off. "Baby don't believe them ok? They're trying to break our relationship." You nodded and Liam turned you around so you were facing him just then Liam nodded at someone behind you, you turned around and saw your brothers friends with knifes and Louis was very close to stabbing you, you screamed jumped from Liam's lap and went to run around all of them but you got cut off by zayn and Niall grabbed you. Zayn chuckled darkly and pushed you into the couch and he pushed the knife on to your stomach. You whimpered. "Y/n what would you rather.... going to an adoption centre orrr staying with us and running away... orrr we kill you?" Liam asked looking at you with raised eyebrows. You whimpered and zayn pushed the knife harder into your stomach and it started to pierce your skin. "No, no, no p-p-please!" You said as you tried to get the knife off, of your stomach. "Choose an option love." Niall said. "I-I-you killed mummy?" You asked trying to stall. "What. Will. It. Be?" Harry seethed. "A-second option." You said. All the boys nodded. "Good choice love.... if you did choose adoption then I would kill you anyway." Liam said. You whimpered and zayn growled before taking the knife away and Liam picked you up. "Let's go." Liam said. "I swear to god if you scream I'll kill you." You nodded and arrived at the airport and at that moment in time.... you knew you were stuck with five murderers.

Niall (13)
"It's all my fault!" Niall said crying into your shoulder. "Whats your fault ni?" You asked. "I didn't mean to kill.... him.... I really didn't." You hugged Niall tighter. "Who did you kill?" You asked. "I-I killed Dad..... and Greg." You gasped and went to stand up but Niall held onto you. "Let me go!" You said. "No!!!!" Niall shouted. Just then you felt something pierce your skin. You looked to your left and saw Liam inserting a liquid into your arm. "I'm so sorry y/n..... you'll only remember me and the boys.... you will not remember anyone else ok?" You began panicking and struggled against Niall. "Y/n please." You began feel tired and you tried to fight it but you fell asleep. You woke up the next morning with only the memory of Niall, harry, Louis, Liam, and zayn. That's all you could remember.... 

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